
Obama, Trump trade campaign barbs

Opinion Journal’s Mary Kissel and Global View Columnist Bret Stephens on why Donald Trump is morally unfit to be president. “I don’t believe that many Republicans will take their marching orders from President Obama on Donald Trump or any other matter”.


Hanna said the former US secretary of state, first lady and NY senator had promoted many issues to which he has been committed, including the expansion of education and women’s health care.

Hanna then discussed Hillary Clinton, whom Hanna says he will vote for despite significant points of disagreement.

In 2010, Whitman ran an unsuccessful campaign as a Republican for California governor, spending more than $140 million of her own money in the process.

In Cuyahoga County, some of Trump’s original supporters who want to help him are angry that there is not yet a campaign office or call center for them to work out of and help their candidate. The poll also came amidst controversy over Trump’s comments about a slain USA soldier of Muslim faith. “Even if you can’t stand Donald Trump, you think Donald Trump is the worst, you’re going to vote for me. Our volunteers and contributors are clearly committed to electing Donald J. Trump as President in November”, the Trump campaign’s finance chairman, Steven Mnuchin, said in a statement.

Ms. Whitman, who said she would remain a Republican, brings with her a considerable network of contributors, some of whom she said were open to giving to Mrs. Clinton.

A Republican congressman on Tuesday became the first in his party to officially throw his support behind Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. “For me, if our party has a future, we have to change that trajectory and lead by example”, she said. Just after the Republican convention (and in the run-up to the Democratic convention), Wikileaks released emails showing that Democratic National Committee officials were biased in favor of Clinton during the primaries.

In the last 16 presidential elections dating back to 1952, only Bill Clinton carried Arizona as a Democrat in 1996.


Hanna declined an interview with WRVO News, but has said previously that he would not support Trump.

“I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged I have to be honest,” Donald Trump the Republican nominee told a town hall crowd in Columbus Ohio on Monday