
Obama vows to ‘do more’ to protect police after fatal shootings

By failing to come to terms with this country’s lack of mental-health facilities, its broken immigration policies, gun laws opposed by nearly every major police association and a myriad of other issues, we ask law enforcement agencies to make the hard choices that we don’t want to and to handle problems that we ignore.


Johnson, who is reportedly from Mesquite, Texas, had “bomb-making materials” in his home, according to law enforcement officials. The spot is located at 1875 El Prado, near the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center. We spoke about how it had gotten to this scale, aided by the perception perpetrated by the national media and certain activist groups that white cops shooting suspects of color does not represent incidents of a few rogue police officers. The killings have led to protests across the nation, including in San Diego. New Hartford Police Officer Joseph Corr was shot and killed in the line of duty while responding to a jewelry store robbery in 2006.

“Here in Oneida County we certainly have been through the hard time of losing an officer whether it was Deputy Wyman here, Officer Tom Lindsay in Utica, Officer Joe Corr in New Hartford, I mean we know exactly the feeling that they’re going through”, Maciol said.

US police forces have been the target of protests following the fatal shootings of black men by patrolmen in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and outside St. Paul, Minnesota, that were caught on video. “The real cause is the fact that police officers are rarely, if ever, charged in connection to the people they kill”.

Dec 20, 2014: Two New York City police officers, Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, were ambushed and shot to death in their vehicle without warning by a man who approached the passenger window of their marked police auto.

Mr Obama testily replied to Mr Patrick, saying he values the lives of law enforcement officers and respects their work.

President Barack Obama once again had to address our nation regarding the bad violence that is being inflicted upon our country. “I don’t know where that all came from and at the end of the day we need to come back together as one”, said Liberto. Attackers in Chicago used firearms against police officers 1,623 times from 2000 to 2010. Eight of them were targeted and ambushed in separate acts of vengeance simply because they swore an oath to serve and protect us, the public.

Successful community policing efforts require more than police engagement, Professor O’Donnell says, citizens must also get on board with the program. “What I came to understand is that the person who has the most to do with what happens to you in life, it’s you”.

I smiled listening to Shetamia Taylor, a mother who was with her four sons at the Dallas protest.

What chance do we have of keeping our cities safe, if we can’t do a better job of keeping our officers as safe as possible?

The families of those slain officers are not alone in their grief.

I stand by them, will you?

I have worked with and for people who look like me on the police department who maintain the current system because it benefits them and theirs. Thank you for taking time away from your family to help others; thank you for putting your lives in danger every day so that others can live peacefully; and most of all thank you for putting up with all the hatred and negativity and still doing your job with a smile on your face.

You can be part of the problem or part of the solution. As President Barack Obama observed on Sunday, what the nation does not need right now is more inflammatory rhetoric – not from those who claim to be supporting police or those who claim to be speaking out for victims of police violence.


“We haven’t even buried the officers that we’ve lost and now we’re asking to make wholesale changes to the department that basically was ambushed and murdered in a very horrific scene?” said Mayor Pro Tem Chandler Loupe.

Chief David Brown Interview Part 1