
Obama: We will go after ISIS until it’s destroyed

His arrest, which may have led in hindsight, to a false sense of triumph among security authorities, may have been the trigger for Tuesday’s attacks.


We should not do is take approaches that are going to be counterproductive.

Speaking today in Argentina, President Obama told reporters that ISIS poses no “existential threat” to the United States, and is wholly incapable of defeating the USA in a fight, adding that they “don’t produce anything”. “The issue is, how do we do it in an intelligent way?”

“For nearly three years now were very much anxious about people around the glove we worry who travel to Syria and gets the worst kind of training and then flow back out, and it’s especially a problem in Europe”.

Within hours of Tuesday’s attacks, presidential candidates were playing politics, quickly taking to television and social media to give the impression they have the right answers. He doubled down on his idea of banning Muslims, getting tough on our borders, changing the rules on torture and returning to waterboarding.

Republican front-runner Donald Trump said Wednesday that he believes President Barack Obama uses the term “ISIL” instead of “ISIS” as a way to “bother people”. Offering condolences to the victims’ families in Brussels, San Bernardino, Istanbul, Baghdad, and the many other places in the world that have been targeted is, perhaps, not enough. John Kasich said “we must redouble our efforts with our allies to identify, root out and destroy the perpetrators of such acts of evil”.

The attack in Brussels, which is home to the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, has heightened security concerns around the world and raised questions about European countries’ response to the threat from Islamist extremists.

Their comments reveal a lot about the choices Americans face.

“They are vicious killers and murderers who perverted one of the world’s great religions and their primary power, in addition to killing innocent lives, is to strike fear in our societies, to disrupt our societies so that the effect cascades from an explosion or an attack by semiautomatic rifle”.

I thought about the Muslim women who openly don their religious attire and are looked at suspiciously by ignorant people.

And while terrorists picked an airport and a train station this time, we’ve seen attacks in shopping malls, hotels, soccer arenas and night clubs. That means cultivating more sources within Muslim communities convinced they have a stake in defeating extremism to secure a future for themselves and their children within the West.

Maybe that’s why President Obama continued his visit to Cuba on Tuesday and even attended, as scheduled, a baseball game.

Congressional committees have asked US intelligence agencies for an accounting of which lists the Brussels attackers were on, for how long, and whether and how the information was shared, USA officials told NBC News. But more importantly, they said, they don’t want to alert co-conspirators because they want to keep monitoring and investigating them. He reiterated his country would not sacrifice its core values to fight terrorists.

“He was a nice boy, and above all he was clever, that’s what I remember of him”, Mourad said of his brother, who graduated in electromechanics. “We must remain who we are”.


Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said in a statement that there was “no specific, credible intelligence of any plot to conduct similar attacks here in the United States”. Do they work and are they relevant or adaptable to American needs and mores?

Brussels airport bomb damage