
Obama will tell us why Hillary should be next President at DNC

Biden, who almost entered the nominating contest before declining to do so last Fall, underscored American values that he said exist in Clinton in the wake of Trump’s more negative outlook on the current state of the United States.


“To all of you whose hard work brought us here tonight and to those of you who joined our campaign this week”, Hillary Clinton said, “what a remarkable week it’s been”. And you know what? While Clinton and Obama have argued that ISIS is on the run, the economy is on the upswing, and Americans are safer than they have been in years, they are struggling to counter the dark image that Trump has painted of a nation in decline, chaos and disorder that resonates with many voters. “She’s a woman driven by compassion, by faith, by a fierce sense of justice and a heart full of love”, the only child of presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton and former U.S. President Bill Clinton told the crowd.

Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, proudly spoke about her abortion.

Democrats contrasted their optimistic message with the more troubled vision of the state of the nation presented by Trump and others at the GOP convention a week earlier. What are we offering?

“We will strike their sanctuaries from the air, and support local forces taking them out on the ground”, she said. All week, some Sanders supporters have been wearing apparel with #DNCleaks on it – referencing the leaked emails that have angered Sanders supporters for what they say is collusion between Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Clinton is likely to face a tough challenge in such states from Republican nominee Donald Trump, a NY businessman who is trying to win white working-class voters with rhetoric against free trade and illegal immigration. Wasserman-Shultz on Thursday further raised eyebrows by declaring that she had “taken one for the team”.

“I’ve been saying let’s just beat her on November 8”, he said, “but you know what?”

Speaking after the nomination was confirmed, Clinton’s husband, Bill, delivered a keynote speech praising his wife for all of her accomplishments.

In this moment was an opportunity for her to cop to her own culpability in perpetuating the toxic system where money rules our political leaders. Obama’s speech garnered a great deal of attention as one of the last major addresses of his presidency.

“There’s nothing relatable about her”, said Quinn Symonds, 34, of Mason City, Iowa.

And Clinton offered an open hand to backers of Vermont Sen. “What you will hear is someone who understands what our interests are”. “Your cause is our cause”.

But at that convention, she was upstaged by a young Senate candidate from IL – a foreshadowing of what was to come four years later.

Clinton is due to formally accept the nomination when she appears at the convention tomorrow night. “Are there people who are still emotional and wish we didn’t get 3.7 million more votes?”

“Clinton’s large lead in the Philadelphia area is offsetting losses to Trump in other parts of the state”, said David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Research Center.

Trump is unmoved. The billionaire owner of the Trump Organization, an global development company, says the Internal Revenue Service is reviewing his most recent returns and that he’ll release them once that audit is complete.

Ms Clinton, who is vying to be the first woman elected USA president, called her nomination “a milestone” and said she was happy for grandmothers and little girls and “everyone in between”.

The convention saw speakers and scoreboard videos name-check Republicans including McCain, Ronald Reagan, Mitt Romney, George W. Bush. Whether you happen to agree with her positions or not, she has undeniable expertise and experience, which in a screwy election year like this one has suddenly become – in many eyes – a political liability.

Wednesday night’s Democratic lineup was aimed at emphasizing Clinton’s own national security credentials.


Another hack came to light on Thursday, when four people familiar with the matter told Reuters the FBI is investigating a cyber attack against the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which raises money for Democrats running for the U.S. House of Representatives.

In landmark speech Clinton says US at moment of reckoning