
Obama, Xi discuss NKorea amid signs of rocket launch preps

Pyongyang has announced it will launch a satellite-bearing rocket sometime between February 8-25, which is around the time of the birthday on February 16 of late leader Kim Jong-Il, father of current leader Kim Jong-Un.


Ministry spokesman Moon Sang Gyun said Saturday that the North didn’t inform worldwide organizations of any other changes and that the rocket’s expected flight path remains the same.

The brief updated notice sent by Pyongyang offered no reason for the date change.

North Korea last launched a long-range rocket in December 2012, sending into orbit an object it described as a communications satellite.

The imminent launch would constitute another major violation of UN Security Council resolutions following Pyongyang’s fourth nuclear test last month.

“The reason why we’ve had the nuclear deterrence is not for dropping nuclear bombs on people in the South”, the Rodong Sinmun, North Korea’s main newspaper, said in a commentary.

China is isolated North Korea’s most important diplomatic and economic supporter, but Beijing has been angered by Pyongyang’s nuclear programme and signed up to numerous rounds of stringent United Nations sanctions.

China’s official Xinhua state news agency said Xi stressed China was firmly committed to the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula and insists on a solution through dialogue and consultation which meets the common interests of Northeast Asian countries.

On relations with South Korea, Xi said that the two countries have seen mutual political trust grow stronger and exchanges and cooperation in many areas increasing day by day.

A panel of committee experts had suggested in a report that North Korea’s reconnaissance administration was operating drones that were likely modified versions of China’s UV10 drones, manufactured by Beijing-based Microfly Engineering Technology, Kyodo News reported. A rocket test now would compound fears about North Korea putting a nuclear warhead on a missile that could reach not only South Korea and Japan but possibly even the west coast of the United States.

In January, North Korea flew a drone across the demilitarized zone, prompting South Korean soldiers to fire warning shots at the intruding aircraft.


Citing US government sources, the Britain’s reported that North Korea may fire an explosive device as early as Sunday. It is also crucial to understand the limitations of what space rocket launches contribute to the North’s ability to develop military-use missiles.

AP Photos: Rocket models in North Korean propaganda displays