
Obamacare repeal faces veto

The White House belittled congressional Republicans’ efforts Thursday to repeal Obamacare, saying President Obama will veto the legislation without fanfare.


Prior to the GOP capturing the Senate in 2014, the Democratic majority in the upper chamber had prevented any House repeal bill from reaching Obama’s desk, Skelley said.

“By utilizing the process of budget reconciliation, the Republican-controlled Congress has passed a bill that repeals the core pillars of Obamacare and defunds Planned Parenthood”.

House GOP leaders said the vote and Obama’s subsequent veto will lay bare a stark choice between the parties in a presidential election year.

Why did it take so long to finally start confronting President Obama on central issues like Obamacare?

“I don’t understand their obsession” with repealing the health law, House Democrat Jim McGovern said, noting that doing so would “throw 22 million people out of health insurance plans”. The bill passed the House with a vote of 240 to 181. And ultimately this is going to require a republican president. And it would end taxes the law imposed to cover its costs.

“Today, for the first time, the House passed a bill that repeals major provisions of Obamacare and puts it on the President’s desk, forcing him to face the failures of Obamacare and paving the way for replacing it with a truly patient-centered healthcare system”.

Since 2010, the Republicans in the Congress have been trying to abolish the Affordable Care Act.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan similarly defended sending the largely symbolic bill to the president while appearing on Fox News’ Hannity Tuesday night.

“As I travel the country, I consistently hear Americans say that they want Washington to build on the progress we have made to increase access to coverage, drive down the growth of health costs and improve the quality of care”. Republicans had held multiple votes on repealing the law, but Democrats found various ways to keep the legislation from the president’s desk. “Repealing this law is the first step in getting America’s healthcare back on the right track”.


“We shouldn’t walk away from a fight, that’s what [Donald] Trump has proven”, said Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kansas, a member of the House Freedom Caucus. As an alternative, she has previously supported legislation that would allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines and allow businesses to pool together in order to purchase more affordable coverage for employees.

Congress sends bill to gut Obamacare to certain veto