
Oculus Rift to set consumers back £500, shipping starts in March

Oculus has finally announced that the much awaited Oculus Rift VR headset will be available for preorder for $599, this was confirmed on the preorder page on the Oculus website.


The Oculus Rift comes with the headset itself, a tracking camera, Xbox One controller, Oculus Remote, and two bundled games: Eve Valkyrie & Lucky’s Tale.

All pre-order will include a spot on the pre-order list for the Oculus Touch controller to be released in the latter part of 2016.

The shopping cart on Oculus VR’s storefront indicates a $599 price tag and a expected ship date of March 2016.

The Oculus Rift virtual reality headset has gone on general sale, marking the first time that the general public can buy the device that many think could bring virtual reality to the masses. Further information on the pre-order can be found here. Oculus also said it will sell Rift through some retailers in April.

If you didn’t act quickly, you may have missed out on your opportunity to grab one of the first virtual reality devices. Oculus has set up a certification program so consumers can look for a sticker on PCs that support the Rift.

Previous media reports had priced the Rift at $1,500 – its price including a high-end PC capable of processing the graphics. Oculus briefly sold unfinished “development” headsets back in 2012 and 2014, but since then there’s been no way to get your hands on an Oculus Rift.

Valkyrie is a multiplayer dogfighting shooter that shows off what the Oculus Rift can do, which is probably one reason that it is being given away with the headset. “Users can also check whether their current PC meets specs right now with the new Oculus compatibility tool”.


While gamers will likely dominate the early-adopter market for the Oculus Rift, VR also “holds incredible promise for enterprise applications”, Gownder said.

Oculus Rift booth CES 2016