
Offended Trump demands Supreme Court judge step down

“I’m not prepared to say that”, Texas Sen. I think she should apologise to the court.


Possibly. While Ginsburg’s comments would not affect her ability to decide a case involving a policy concerning a President Trump, her remarks could be grounds for recusal if his electoral fate came before the Supreme Court in a case resembling Bush v. Gore, Lubet said. “That is clear beyond any dispute – and I don’t know very many people who are defending her”.

Texas Rep. Randy Weber (R-Friendswood), whose district includes Jefferson County joined in the conversation and called for Ginsburg’s resignation.

House Speaker Paul Ryan also weighed in Tuesday night, calling Ginsburg’s comments about Trump “out of place” for a judge. “I would hope that she would get off the court as soon as possible”, he said. “When unelected judges try to impose their own policy’s wrong and it’s risky”.

Speaking again Tuesday to CNN, Ginsburg called Trump “a faker” who “says whatever comes into his head”. She made similar comments to The New York Times the next day.

Democrats have largely given her a pass so far. “For the court, it would be – I don’t even want to contemplate that”. Perhaps because of this outspokenness, she’s become something of a cult figure among liberals, earning the nickname Notorious RBG.

“Her comments are playing into his hands”, said Painter.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that it was “totally inappropriate” for Justice Ginsburg to lash out at his party’s likely candidate and it was not her place to try to influence the election for president.

“How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?” she asked.

“I don’t recall Republicans getting upset when Justice Alito went to a Republican fundraiser before the re-election of Biden and Obama and attacked Joe Biden there”, he added.

“She has demonstrated a keen intellect, an understanding of the law, and a commitment to making sure it’s applied fairly to every American citizen”, said White House spokesman Josh Earnest. “I do not believe anything that comes out of his mouth”.

Still, Ginsburg is being criticized by others for injecting herself into the presidential campaign.

However inappropriate Ginsburg’s comments are, let’s be honest with ourselves.

“Even if it were unenforceable, a code would at least formalize public expectations for the justices’ conduct”, legal scholar Steven Lubet wrote on the website Legal Ethics Forum.

Trump fired back on Tuesday, calling the judge a “disgrace”.

Ben Carson, a Trump confidant, told CNN’s Erin Burnett on “OutFront” that he agreed.


“We need to have a Supreme Court that can speak with authority if called upon to referee any aspect of this election”. There is a reasonable level of consensus around the parallel notions that, as an NPR assessment recently noted,”The media greatly enabled Trump, embracing the spectacle to give him vast swaths of real estate on air, online and in print” and, “Most egregiously, the media did not subject Trump’s record to the kind of scrutiny other major candidates should receive”.

US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg