
Office Visit: Wear blue for colorectal cancer

In later stages of colorectal cancer, malignancies have often spread to other parts of the body; most often to the lymph nodes and the liver. The test kit provides a sample collection method to use at home, making annual colorectal cancer screening simple. Around 30 million in the a given year are not up to date on screening.


Abroad, the prevalence of colorectal cancer is rising among young people aged 20 to 49, while that among people over 50 is declining because of early detection programs.

The American Cancer Society estimates almost 100,000 new cases of colon cancer for the year 2015.

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the United States and the second leading cause of death from cancer. “Regular screenings are especially important for the early detection of colorectal cancer, which is preventable, treatable and beatable when caught early through screening”. The good news is that this cancer is 90% curable – if you catch it early enough. So, it could essentially be a life-saving decision to talk to your doctors and ask for a proper screening. “That’s where you could make a big impact if these people would get in and get screened”, said Dr. Archie Wright, oncologist, hematologist and medical director for the Kirkland Cancer Center.

For every pair of eyeglasses purchased in March, Ceragno is donating $10 to the organization Fight Colorectal Cancer. If you do experience signs or symptoms, they may include: blood in your stool or rectal bleeding; stomach pain, aches or cramps that do not go away; and unexplained weight loss. Due to the variety of screening methods and individual family history, reviewing options with a primary care provider is important for each patient to determine the best option. Though the same could be said of virtually most conditions that are life-threatening.

Lifestyle-related factors such as diet, weight and exercise are some of the biggest risk factors for any type of cancer. The “lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is: about 1 in 21 (4.7%) for men and 1 in 23 (4.4%) for women”.


This informative presentation by Dr. Rada Shakov, Apex Gastroenterology from CentraState Medical Center, is created to give a complete overview of colon cancer, its causes, who it affects, the symptoms and the different stages of treatment.

KSLA News 12's Domonique Benn getting ready for colonoscopy