
Official didn’t publicly report Flint-area disease outbreak

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was stopped mid-speech when he apparently didn’t stick to script.


Presidential candidate Donald Trump has been chastised by a pastor at an African-American church for attacking Hillary Clinton.

Trump only cares about himself, while Hillary Clinton has a long record of working on behalf of children and families, including those in Flint. “Trump’s presence at Bethel United Methodist in no way represents an endorsement of his candidacy”, she had said.

“Just like she’s failed on foreign policy, everything she touched din’t work out”.

“This is the catastrophe that happens when [we] take care of every country except for our own”, Trump said in Canton in the U.S. state of OH on Wednesday. That’s when Rev. Green-Timmons walked to the podium and said, “Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us for what we’ve done for Flint, not to give a political speech”.

Trump was cut off again just moments later when an audience member heckled him, saying he discriminated against black people, bringing up a 1973 civil rights lawsuit over Trump’s leasing practices.

That’s good. Then I’m going back onto Flint, OK? “It used to be cars were made in Flint and you couldn’t drink the water in Mexico”, he quipped.

When he started criticizing Clinton for her support of the North American Free Trade Agreement, that’s when Timmons politely stepped in and asked him to stick to the subject of Flint.

The visit to Flint, where most residents are African-American, comes as Trump has increased his outreach to minorities, arguing that Democratic policies have left inner cities impoverished and unsafe.

It included releases of medical data, to varying degrees, and a journey to a MI city beset by a water crisis.

“It is now confirmed that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) did not appropriately respond to, monitor or share information with the healthcare facilities, physicians, patients and residents of Flint, as they are required to do by law, but rather, took action to cover up evidence of an ongoing epidemic of Legionnaire’s disease, which MDHHS has linked to the change in the City of Flint’s source water supply”, said McLaren spokeswoman Rosemary Plorin, in a written statement.

Flint was under state control in 2014 and Michigan’s governor, Rick Snyder, a Republican, has come under scrutiny for his handling of the crisis.

The real estate mogul’s visit to Flint is the most attention Trump has devoted to the city whose water crisis rose to national prominence earlier this year.


Trump, in turn, politely abided and wrapped up his comments by saying the damage that has been done in Flint can be corrected “by people who know what they’re doing”.

Flint's mayor dismisses Donald Trump's water plant visit as 'photo op'