
Officials investigate Zika case in Palm Beach County

While Rubio admits that Zika, or any prenatal condition, makes the issue more complicated, he sides with life. “If people are planning outdoor vacations – it’s all about risk reduction – I tell them I wouldn’t go camping”.


Florida health officials are investigating a new non-travel- related case of Zika virus in Palm Beach County, but it is not yet clear whether the person contracted the virus from local mosquitoes or from a recent trip to Miami.

The connection between Zika and microcephaly first came to light last fall in Brazil, which has now confirmed more than 1,600 cases of microcephaly that it considers to be related to Zika infections in the mothers.

Later, he added, “Obviously, microcephaly is a bad prenatal condition that kids are born with”.

Current research estimates that 1% of all pregnant women with Zika will give birth to a child with these neurological issues.

The news that mosquitoes in the United States have been found to carry Zika is certainly concerning, but experts say that Zika likely won’t spread here as it has in countries in Central and South America.

More than 1,650 people in the US have been infected with Zika after traveling to other countries or through sex. “Zika is most risky for women who are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, yet Marco Rubio still opposes a woman’s right to make her own health decisions”, he said. In the end of July, authorities in Florida reported what they believe to be the first local Zika transmission in the continental US, with the state’s current total case count at 16. “So I get it”, said Rubio.

“We will continue to keep our residents and visitors safe utilizing constant surveillance and aggressive strategies”, Scott said, “such as increased mosquito spraying, that have allowed our state to fight similar viruses”. Hughes asked. “I think that’s actually very hypocritical of the Democrat [SIC] Party”. “And I’m strongly prolife”. As he puts it, all human life should be protected by the law, no matter what the condition of that life is or the other circumstances involved.

Nationally, some 1,800 travel-associated Zika infections have been reported to date, with many times that number reported in the USA territory of Puerto Rico – where officials say 10 percent of the population may already be infected – and throughout many parts of Latin America and the Caribbean.


Mosquitoes that spread Zika virus bite mostly during the daytime, and those same mosquitoes also spread the dengue and chikungunya viruses.

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