
Oh joy! Another holiday cup controversy

Dunkin’ Donuts says its design was not made in response Starbucks’ cup and the heated debate if the cup represents the “War on Christmas” or not. In the past, the cup designs have included winter themes ranging from snowflakes to snowmen on a red background.


While Dunkin’ Donuts’ new cup doesn’t explicitly wish customers a “Merry Christmas”, it does include what appear to be boughs of holly or pine tree branches.

DeGeneres’ solution to those who feel like Starbucks needs a bit more Christmas in its stores? We asked Feuerstein and Starbucks for comment but did not hear back.

Mayor de Blasio wants Donald Trump to chill when it comes to red coffee cups from Starbucks.

As points out, Starbucks sells advent calendars, has its own Christmas blend, sells ornaments, and generally celebrates the holiday spirit.

A few people are mad about Starbucks’ new red holiday cups, and others are mad about the fact that people are mad about it. These are their drawings.

“Even if you had zero approval and the design was finished, it would still take at least a month or two months to get it printed and distributed”, Tupper told NBC. Further, it is not a Christian company, and never had religious ornamentation on its cups.

“In the past, we have told stories with our holiday cups designs”, Jeffrey Fields, Starbucks vice president of Design & Content, is quoted in the statement.

If you’re reading this and find yourself as one of the people who are angered by the lack of Christmas on your Starbucks cup, I hope you do boycott the company.

Dunkin’ Donuts, though, did not release the cup to take a shot at Starbucks.

How soon is too soon for the War on Christmas?

In a surprisingly sensible turn of events, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly said he has no problem with the minimalist design of Starbucks’ holiday cups.


Holiday cups should be the last thing people are anxious about when we have 101 problems in America that could use our attention.

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