
Ohio Gov. Kasich enters 2016 GOP presidential race

Kasich will tell an anticipated crowd of about 4,400 that Americans of all political stripes share many common values – such as integrity, honesty and personal responsibility – and call on people to work together and help others as a way to rise above their anxiety about the economic future, according to a person close to his campaign.


But Kasich, the 16th Republican to announce a campaign, will face questions from conservatives over his positions on health care, guns, immigration and education.

“I have made a decision to run for president of the United States”, Ohio Gov. John Kasich said. “I mean, that’s my message”, he said.

Kasich lost Mahoning County in the 2010 gubernatorial election, but he carried the county in last year’s election, earning 54 percent of the vote.

But he might be left out of a milestone event for the GOP contest occurring in his own state.

That puts him on the bubble to qualify for the first GOP-sanctioned debate, which is being held in Ohio on August 6 and is being limited by Fox News to 10 participants based on an average of national surveys.

On paper, Kasich has the credentials of a top-tier contender.

In 2009 he chose to run for governor of Ohio and won the race in November of 2010.

“We’re going to compete in every state, ” Weaver said in an interview before Kasich’s announcement in Columbus.

Kasich flies later on Tuesday to the early-voting state of New Hampshire, which will be key to his campaign strategy. “Medicaid enrollment in Ohio has far outpaced Kasich’s projections and more than doubled in cost”.

Pepper, the state’s Democratic Party chairman, said he believes Kasich “blew” his chance to make a statement Tuesday with a lackluster speech while competitors like Donald Trump continue to “take up so much of the oxygen in the room”.

He’s spent the year testing his scrappy political style around the country, for part of that time as chief spokesman for a national effort to pass a federal balanced-budget constitutional amendment. “We don’t have the right as grownups to run up debt and pass to the next generation”. From 1983 to 2001, he represented Ohio’s 12th District in the U.S. House and served as chair of the House Budget Committee. He brought it up again in the announcement speech.

To see this problem in action, consider the 2011 incident in which Kasich threw a bit of a tantrum after getting a speeding ticket, lashing out at a police officer as an “idiot” for doing his job.

Democrats have criticized Kasich and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, who also worked for Lehman Brothers, as profiting from Wall Street while the firm collapsed in 2008 and ushered in the worst recession since the Great Depression.


It also quoted Fred Barnes, executive editor of the Weekly Standard and a powerful voice in Republican politics, as saying that if Kasich is to win the GOP nomination for president, he will have to stop “acting somewhat like a jerk”.

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