
Ohio Gov. Throws Hat in Ring for Presidential Race

“When he is campaigning or fundraising for an election to President, that is not his official duty as the Governor of the State of Ohio”. “I am here to ask you for your prayers, for your support, for your efforts because I have decided to run for president of the United States”, he said.


“I know what needs to be done”, he said. “If you’re not on the bus, we’ll run over you with the bus”, he told them two days after he was elected governor. “He can say, ‘If I can turn around Ohio, I can turn around America.'”. “Empathy. Don’t be so quick too judge”. Only the top 10 candidates in the national polls will be allowed by Fox News to debate, and Kasich is now in 12th place in the RealClearPolitics average.

He hopes his more moderate positions and outspoken persona will resonate and keep his candidacy alive in anticipation of a strong performance in the Ohio primary on March 15.

Despite waiting to formally announce, Kasich has hit the gas on the campaign trail. His affiliated campaign group, New Day for America, began airing its second television ad in New Hampshire this week. “Visiting homes. And that means New Hampshire, whose population of 1.3 million is about double that of a congressional district”.

So far, they’re giving voters the soft sell: The first campaign video highlights Kasich’s blue-collar background and emphasizes a message of inclusion. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. Marco Rubio. The oldest of three, his was a blue-collar, Catholic family typical of the Pittsburgh suburbs at the time.

“I’ve done this before”.

“He’s got the diagnosis right”, Holtz-Eakin said.

Kasich voted for the Defense of Marriage Act years ago and supported Ohio’s ban on gay marriage.

But his late entry to the race could be a challenge.

Kasich’s faith would wane once he went off to college at Ohio State University, though.

“He hasn’t put it behind him”, she said.

It is worth mentioning that I have seen a lot of Kasich commercials on Boston-area TV. “It’s time for our generation to step up to the plate and make the big changes for America”.

He easily won reelection in November of 2014. “Looking at them, he’s got a pretty decent chance” to get nominated.

However, my coworker Arianna Prothero has extensively covered problems in Ohio’s charter school sector during Kasich’s time as governor. “Of all those people running, there’s not one that has experience in all those critical three areas”.

Another Koch brothers gathering is planned next month in Columbus.

His opponents in the Republican field and the leading Democratic presidential candidate, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, have denounced his recent comment that Senator John McCain was no hero for his five years as a prisoner-of-war in Hanoi in the 1960s during the Vietnam War.

Kasich has an answer ready for critics who contend his approach to governing does not line up with conservative principles. You can’t sit at 2 percent. “Maybe I should wonder about theirs”.

While in Congress, Kasich was one the architects of the original government shutdown in the mid-1990s, calling it “one of the greatest moments of my career”.

The fiscal health of the country has been a focus of the Ohio Republican for decades.

Kasich, 62, served the Buckeye State for 18 years in the U.S. House where he rose to be chairman of the Budget Committee.


“He has the ability to leap over all of the other candidates, once people hear what he has accomplished as a good executive and manager of our state”, said Martin Ruehle, a Columbus pharmacist attending the announcement with his son Abel, 14. To his credit, Baier interjected, “You’re making a leap from someone opposing Medicaid expansion to that person wanting to jail Medicaid…” but then Kasich cut him off and resumed his demagoguery. Kasich’s bid faces major hurdles: he enters the GOP field that keeps on growing.

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