
Ohio official: “nervous as hell” over RNC in Cleveland

The Cleveland Municipal Court will be open 20 hours a day. City and federal officials have said they can not guarantee they will be unable to keep apart groups that may be at odds with one another. “So I think that any advice that the seasoned officers have for folks who aren’t used to big crowd like this and potential dangers that could ensue”. “In no way can we ever tolerate what happened to our police officers in Dallas”.


NY officers will “double up” on all assignments and auxiliary police officers who are unarmed except for night sticks will not be used in the field for the next few days, Police Commissioner William Bratton told a news conference.

Authorities in Cleveland, which has been roiled in recent years by police shootings of blacks that helped lead to Kasich’s initiative, have insisted they’re ready to put on a safe convention.

The Dallas police chief said that divisiveness between police and citizens must stop, Born noted.

“They are setting up my guys for failure”, Loomis said before the Dallas attack.

Uber will be an official partner for the Democratic National Convention but won’t serve a similar function at the Republican convention in Cleveland. The U.S. Justice Department investigated and imposed special federal oversight known as a consent decree that remains in force. They allow protests to go through parts of downtown Cleveland to give some larger groups more time to demonstrate, he said.

Tactics under consideration to diminish coverage of the Republican convention include a fake GOP delegate debate moderated by tabloid talk show host Jerry Springer, as well as a staged strike for higher wages by Cleveland-area fast food workers.

That number is “probably close”, Tomba said on Thursday.


“I wrote an email reassuring them we are prepared and let them know we can not pull the plan off without them”, Tomba was quoted as saying. Those counties are home to Columbus and Cleveland, respectively.

Cleveland police to wear body cameras during GOP convention