
Ohio prosecutor reviews Cincinnati Zoo case

The news sparked outrage – which was only stoked further after an image of the fence protecting visitors from the gorilla enclosure was circulated.


Legal experts say a prosecution in the case seems unlikely.

“People that were hateful, I thought they needed to know that I wasn’t the person that they were looking for, and for the people who were being positive, I wanted to thank them”, said Gregg. “The zoo needs to address its height for children”.

The grandma of the OH boy who fell into Harambe’ the gorilla’s enclosure reveals she does not believe the ape should have been killed.

That’s a half-foot higher than the steel railing barrier a 3-year-old boy apparently climbed over to get into the enclosure last Saturday.

“I feel so sorry for you, having to try to defend something which you may well disapprove of”, Goodall wrote in the email, which was addressed to zoo director Thane Maynard.

He said: “We all need to work to make sure our families are safe”.

“Because we live in a fallen world, sin has affected everything, including gorillas and three-year-olds”. But I’m telling you, even the animal rights people, that if it had been your child in there you would have wanted them to make the same decision.

“Hi, my son fell in the zoo exhibit at the gorilla – at Cincinnati Zoo”, Michelle reportedly says, while repeatedly screaming, “Be calm!” to her son. A 17-year-old silverback named Harambe grabbed the boy and dragged him through the water in the moat.

Opinion is split over whether the blame lies with the parents or the zoo.

While Michelle Gregg has said she won’t sue the zoo, increasing criticism of Gregg’s parenting on social media, coupled with photos of the zoo’s security measures, might change her mind. In that instance the female gorilla picked up the children and handed him to staff at the zoo. The boy was taken to the hospital and later released.

Valerie Dickerson, 55, said she was “saddened” the animal was shot and killed.


The child’s mother may face criminal charges over the incident.

Jane Goodall To Cincinnati Zoo Director: 'I Feel So Sorry For You'