
Ohio Republican delegation gives cold shoulder to Trump

Backed someone else during the Republican primary? The Arcade Cleveland opened in May 1890 and is described as the first indoor shopping center in America.


In testimony before Congress this week, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged he was “concerned about the prospect of demonstrations getting out of hand” in Cleveland, and at the Democratic National Convention the following week in Philadelphia.

And, while Romney didn’t do as well as they’d hoped with minorities at the polls, Republicans did manage to show racial and ethnic diversity on the convention stage.

“He used to be pro-choice and he complimented Planned Parenthood in an internationally televised debate during the Republican primary”, Antani said.

Southwest Floridians bound for Cleveland universally expect nothing short of a unifying pep rally for Trump.

It’s about Donald J. Trump.

“We all share concerns about Donald Trump”, said state Rep. Niraj Antani, a first-time delegate from southwest OH, where one of his legislative colleagues and fellow delegate, Shannon Jones, is staying home in an act she described as “conscientiously objecting” to Trump.

Still, there will be worries among the lavish parties and cascading balloons that Trump might embarrass the party during the fall campaign, imperil its down-ticket candidates and undermine some of its fundamental principles. The rules committee could unbind the delegates by way of making a rule (which needs to be ratified by the entire convention). Then they can vote for whomever. Indiana Gov. Mike Pence’s selection as the vice presidential nominee and Republicans’ hatred of Hillary Clinton will bring most Republican voters to the polls to cast their ballots for Trump-Pence.

“It was the establishment members of the Rules Committee that carried the water for the Trump campaign”, Haugland lamented.

Florida Republican National Committeeman Peter Feaman of Boynton Beach agreed. “But I’ve got to think there’s enough Republican base support to get Trump over the top”.

All four adult children of Donald Trump are scheduled to speak at the convention throughout the week, and Trump’s Slovenia-born third wife, former model Melania Trump, will be among he featured speakers on Monday.

In the absence of unified support for Trump, distaste for the presumptive Democratic nominee seems to be motivating factor for some delegates. “So why can not we as a party come together with the RNC and everyone else and get together and show the whole world and universe that we are a party not divided but we are a party of one?”

Trump, however, did not make a unity gesture.

“#NeverTrump is never more”.

In size and scope, what’s going on in Cleveland this week pales in comparison to the crowds that flooded the downtown streets and venues last month to celebrate not only the Cleveland Cavaliers’ first National Basketball Association championship but the city’s first major sports title in 52 years. But the party leadership appears to have beaten back an effort by rules committee rebels to derail a Donald Trump nomination.

The presidential nominee is traditionally the de facto head of his or her political party.

Of Trump, he said: “He’s not ideal”.

Other delegates hope to force a roll call vote of the states – an hours-long process that would put the votes of every single delegate on the record (with cameras rolling) – potentially embarrassing Trump if he barely wins more than half of the votes.

Trump asked Cruz – who won the Texas primary but finished a distant second to Trump nationally – to speak at the convention even though, so far, Cruz has shown no sign that he plans to endorse Trump. Is Hillary Clinton going to do the right tax policy?

“But as time went along, I came to realize that Donald Trump is the candidate who gets it”, he said. “Regardless of our home state and background, we come together as one body to select our nominee for president of the United States”.

When 17 Republican candidates run for President in the primary, obviously, there are a lot of different perspectives and allegiances.

Of those like Bush, Kasich and other “party elites” sitting out the Cleveland confab, Bernosky has a simple message: “Good riddance”. Please help today by donating to the Mississippi Republican Party.

It’s clear city officials are preparing for the worst: All pending municipal court cases have been suspended to make way for near round-the-clock arraignments of protesters who are arrested during the assembly, and authorities have set aside space across the metro area to detain hundreds of people.

The Post’s George Bennett is reporting from Cleveland.


Mark Vafiades, Los Angeles County Republican chairman, said the national party is limited in what it can do to affect statewide races.

Clinton airing thousands of positive ads while Trump silent