
Okilly Dokilly Rocks “Nedal”, Ned Flanders-Themed Metal Music

Elaborating on where the idea for the Okilly Dokilly’s came from Head Ned revealed the band’s origin story: “Myself and our drummer [Bled Ned] were in line at a grocery store, entertaining ourselves by coming up with really cutesy names for really hardcore, brutal bands”. Bled Ned, Red Ned, Thread Ned and, uh, Stead Ned. And in real life, there’s now an aggressive Phoenix quintet called Okilly Dokilly, which calls itself “the world’s only Nedal band”.


“The name Okilly Dokilly came up and was very amusing to us – we ran with it. I contacted a few friends, and here we are”.

Head Ned also revealed that one of the band’s favourite past times is “politely asking for the return of our power tools, usually with little success”. “Okilly Dokilly” are an Arizona-based heavy metal band who dress like Ned Flanders from The Simpsons, just because. The band’s Facebook page explains it pretty straightforwardly.

Good news on global Left-Handers Day: a totally verifiable-as-existing metal band named for Leftorium owner Ned Flanders is here. “[It’s] not as fast as Bartcore, and a little cleaner than Krusty Punk”, they told Australia’s Rip It Up. “Not as heavy as “Homer.J.ent” – Nedal is a happy medium in Simpscene”. According to Head Ned, it fits smack dab in the middle of the other Simpson-themed metal genres.


Clad in the trademarked attire of the wholesome neighbor from “The Simpsons“, the group continues to define their sound as they prepare for their first live show in September. “Even if it comes on a cease-and-desist letter”. But in a world of YouTube and social media, we imagine this will be a bigger hit.

There is a Ned Flanders-themed metal band called Okilly Dokilly