
Oklahoma Democratic Delegates Grapple With DNC Emails

Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned Sunday as Democratic Party chairwoman over leaked emails suggesting the supposedly neutral DNC had played favourites for Hillary Clinton during the primaries.


One of the emails that show that the party officials worked against Sanders comes from Brad Marshall, DNC’s Chief Financial Officer.

Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Tuesday that the allegation that Putin orchestrated the hack in order to raise Trump’s chances was just another “paranoid” attempt by American politicians to play what he called “the Russia card” during the campaign.

Outlandishly conspiratorial? Probably, but that’s what the Clinton campaign invites when it starts down that road itself.

Sanders was aware of it. His people knew about it. Hillary Clinton understood it too.

It’s supposed to be Hillary Clinton’s convention, but all of the focus Monday was on her primary challenger, Bernie Sanders, and his delegates, who continue to stew over a Wikileaks release of DNC emails that showed favoritism to Clinton over Sanders.

The convention’s second day is aimed at highlighting Clinton’s work on issues such as women, families and healthcare and as the country’s top diplomat, a Clinton campaign official said. Although the delegates thought that the way the party treated Sanders was unfair, Sanders emphasized there was nothing more important than defeating Trump now.

“Sen. Sanders is a man of his word, and he said early on he was going to support the nominee”, Keating told The Associated Press. Wasserman Schultz never tried to do that. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said nice things about Putin, but Putin could have ordered a kind of third-rate cyberburglary of the DNC just to demonstrate the reach of the Russian bear.

Gonzales said he would need to see new polling and more information before making a decision to downgrade her seat from “safe”.

“I came here to hopefully change some minds and hopefully overpower delegates”, he said. The move caused some on both the left and the right to proclaim the “fix was in” to help Wasserman Shultz who had been a lightning rod for Bernie Sanders’ criticism through the primary. More tweets are being sent out about the Democratic convention than the Republicans, according to the Nielsen company.

OR was also to take the national spotlight Monday evening, when U.S. Sen.

The rest of her remarks that were videotaped were largely spent attacking Donald Trump and emphasizing that the Jewish community needs to rally behind the Democratic Party and Clinton.


Wasserman Schultz did more than attend Clinton’s party. “I am taking off one hat but putting on another”, she said. “I think that it had become a definite diversion”.

Democratic National Committee Chair Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida arrives on stage during a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine at Florida International University in Miami