
Oklahomans Sound Off On Gun Control Plans

Steve Garavuso, owner of The Bullet Ranch in Pataskala, said he supports background checks being done at gun shows, adding it keeps everything fair for other gun owners who purchase their firearms through other licensed sellers.


In December, adjusted background checks showed a 38 per cent increase from a year earlier, Mr Krueger said.

“Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad”, Obama said.

“The gun lobby may be holding Congress hostage right now, but they can’t hold America hostage”, he said.

In the July 2012 killing of twelve people in a Colorado movie theater, the shooter’s obsession with killing remained part of his private, medical record with his psychiatrist, never disclosed prior to the violence, and at the time of his purchase of weapons.

Questions have popped up occasionally for years about whether the city should reconsider its long-standing practice of leasing facilities like the Will Rogers Memorial Center for gun shows, but no action was taken. “Those risk factors are typically a young male, who’s now in psychosis and who’s experiencing paranoia”. “A lot of our work is to prevent people from hurting themselves”, he said, announcing the federal government will spend an additional $500 million on mental health screening and treatment.

The party’s likely candidate for presidency, Donald Trump, was quick to vow that he would “unsign” any executive orders on gun control. “Until we have the Congress that’s in line with the majority of Americans, there are actions within my legal authority that we can take to help reduce gun violence and save more lives”.

Obama hammered congressional Republicans for opposing measures like expanded background checks as he called on Americans to punish them at the polls. “We have not done any type of independent gun control”.

President Barack Obama’s plan to strengthen controls on guns in the meeting swift resistance from gun rights groups, Republicans and even a few Democrats who say it’s up to Congress to enact new policies on firearms.

“President Obama is willfully and knowingly violating the Constitution”, Hammer said.

“Tremendous, literally tremendous”, said Bob Irwin, owner of The Gun Store in Las Vegas, shortly after Obama delivered a speech on expanding background checks.

“This is the wrong conversation to have”, believes Nik Clark of Wisconsin Carry, “Because the only common denominator in every one of these mass shootings is that no good guy with a gun was there to stop it”.

“I think we need to uphold the laws that we have now”, White said.

The order also calls on the Social Security Administration to provide the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System with information on beneficiaries who are prohibited from possessing a firearm for mental health reasons.

Marion Hammer, director of the Unified Sportsmen of Florida and past president of the NRA, said her attorneys were still reviewing the executive order.

During his Monday night address to the nation, Obama praised the gun dealers who already go the extra mile to be sure the guns they sell wind up in responsible hands.

Gun manufacturers frequently see sales surge each time tighter gun controls are proposed or a mass shooting occurs.

The White House is seeking to expand background checks for buyers. Under current law, only federally licensed gun dealers must conduct background checks on buyers. It’s an argument Obama has used before when opposition in Congress has led him to take sweeping executive action on immigration, climate change and other issues.


“Rather than focus on criminals and terrorists, he goes after the most law-abiding of citizens”, said House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Republican. Obama just needs to prove he’s not a lame duck by doing something – anything – about those dreaded guns.

President Barack Obama embraces Jennifer Pinckney wife of Reverend Clementa Pinckney who was killed in the 2015 Charleston church shooting after speaking in the East Room of the White House in Washington Tuesday Jan. 5 2016 about steps his administ