
Old-school 2D Sonic the Hedgehog game revealed

SEGA Games Co. made a surprising announcement at the San Diego Comic Con on July 23.


Sega announced two new Sonic games – Project Sonic 2017 (a working title, obviously) which will be a new 3D Sonic title, and Sonic Mania – a 2D throwback to the golden era of everyone’s anthropomorphic hedgehog.

The game developer stated that they are doing this in celebration of the 25th anniversary of “Sonic the Hedgehog” franchise.

The two new Sonic games are scheduled for a holiday 2017 release.

On Sonic the Hedgehog’s Twitter, the coming of the latest Sonic game was also introduced through an update which reads: “Introducing SONIC MANIA!”. This represents a re-imagined Zones and Acts from the earlier Sonic games from platforms like SEGA Megadrive, Genesis and even the Sonic CD with Knuckes.

Inside, custom “Sonic the Hedgehog” 25 Anniversary logos are embroidered onto the Katzin Blue Leather seats.

It is being developed by PagodaWest Games with the help of Christian Whitehead and Simon Thomley, the indie development duo who remastered the original Sonic games for mobile devices.

“Sonic Mania has been a passion project for the entire team and we look forward to sharing more details about it later this year”, said Takashi Iizuka, head of the Sonic Team. One of them will be called Sonic Mania and will be available on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles.

First introduced in 1991 as an effective rival to Nintendo’s all-conquering mascot plumber Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog stood out thanks to blue-spined sniffler’s incredible speed.


“This type of collaboration is a first for Sega and we hope everyone will be both surprised and delighted by this title”. Target date of release is Spring of 2017.

Sonic Mania