
Oliver Stone says studios’ boards led to ‘Snowden’ rejection

“Snowden”, which tells the story of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden (played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt), will hit theaters on September 16.


Zachary was speaking as he attended San Diego’s Comic-Con on Thursday (21Jul16) to discuss Snowden, which centres on former CIA employee Edward Snowden, who leaked classified information and exposed the National Security Agency’s (NSA) monitoring of American civilians.

“I’m not an actor”.

“Since 2013, I haven’t been able to have a smartphone like normal people”, Snowden said.

“I think it means a lot to have the endorsement of Ed himself”, shared Gordon-Levitt. Although Stone and the cast have their own views on Snowden, the filmmaker stressed that the movie is not one-sided.

“We did nine takes from several angles”, Stone said, half laughing. “I had posted something to Instagram the other day that I thought was really amusing – [a video] from a press junket that we did in London where Chris Pine and Sofia Boutella were [saying], “Pikachu” [over and over], and I was trying to talk about my judgement of Pokémon Go, which people didn’t take really kindly to”.

ET caught up with Woodley on the red carpet at SDCC where she opened up about playing Snowden’s girlfriend, Lindsay Mills.

“He’s very polite. I think that’s actually pretty charming”.

Academy Award-winning director Oliver Stone, who brought “Platoon, ‘ “Born on the Fourth of July, ‘ ‘Wall Street” and ‘JFK” to the big screen, tackles the most important and fascinating true story of the 21st century.

“It was a good idea and we ran with it”, Stone said.

Together with hardware hacker Andrew “Bunnie” Huang, Snowden developed the “introspection engine”, a case-like device that monitors electrical signals by connecting to any phone’s radio transmitters, informing the user of any WiFi or Bluetooth connection used for data. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article.


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