
Oliver Stone warns about Pokemon Go

Shocking illegal surveillance activities involving one of the most influential government agencies of one of the world’s leading countries is being exposed in the latest trailer for the upcoming biopic, ‘Snowden.’ The second official trailer for Oscar-winning filmmaker Oliver Stone’s next significant drama debuted yesterday during its Comic-Con panel in San Diego.


Quinto, of Star Trek and Heroes fame, replied: “I feel as long as you can find a balance in that, and limit your Pokémon Go time, then I’m all for it. Have at it”. The profits are enormous here for places like Google.

“It’s the fastest-growing business ever, and they have invested huge amounts of money into what surveillance is, which is data-mining”, Stone told the audience at his first-ever appearance at the four-day sci-fi and fantasy spectacle.

In an interview, Edward Snowden emphasized that the new gadget is not just to safeguard journalists in the field, but also to shed public light on government’s surveillance methods to spy on people through their smartphones. It’s the newest stage, ‘ he said.

“You’ll see a new form of, frankly, a robot society. It is what they call totalitarianism”. The biographical drama, which was produced by Moritz Borman, Eric Kopeloff and Philip Schulz-Deyle, is set to be released in theaters nationwide on September 16. A United Kingdom date is yet to be announced, however. The device, dubbed “introspection engine”, would be a plastic case created to slide over an Apple iPhone 6, and will monitor the phone’s internal antennas to detect incoming and outgoing signals from the cellular, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or Global Positioning System chips, alerting users of any snooping attempt.

Ex-NSA systems analyst Edward Snowden is the whistler blower who leaked the truth behind United Kingdom and USA’s surveillance program in June 2013.


The design could be upgraded to become a “kill switch” which will cut the power supply to the phone if the device is still transmitting signals even after the owner has turned it off.

Snowden designs iphone anti-snitching device