
Olympic fans injured outside arena when camera falls

The camera was suspended about 10 metres above a concourse at the time and had two support ropes still attached.


The Olympic Broadcasting Service, which operates the camera, said seven people were injured by the camera’s 30-foot drop, according to the Associated Press.

Two women thankfully weren’t seriously injured when an Olympic Broadcasting Services camera fell on them. One woman, bleeding from the face as medics arrived, was taken away on a stretcher. It is reportedly investigating the incident.

But the camera came down at an angle, falling outside the cordon, said Adams, the British visitor, who was taking pictures of the park at the time.

Adams said, “it looked like a flying saucer coming through the air when it hit these two women”.

The unexpected mishap caused a great deal of chaos as people rushed to the scene to make sure the women were okay, according to Adams. Images shared on social media after the incident showed the camera on the ground as two women sat bloodied nearby.

Witnesses said that the women were whipped by the camera’s cable wires and were transported to a local hospital but their injuries appeared to be minor. But obviously there is a problem with this overhead Olympic Park camera.


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ADDS THAT MULTIPLE PEOPLE WERE INJURED- An overhead camera that fell from wires suspending it over Olympic Park lays on the ground at the Summer Games in Ri