
Omar Mateen’s Wife Could Face Charges in Connection With the Orlando Massacre

NBC News reports: “Omar Mateen’s current wife, Noor, told the Federal Bureau of Investigation she was with him when he bought ammunition and a holster, several officials familiar with the case said”.


NBC News is reporting that Salman tried to talk her husband out of the attack and that she was with him when he visited Pulse Nightclub.

According to the NBC report, authorities are “considering” charges against Salman for not reporting her husband’s massacre plan.

According to multiple media reports, Omar Mateen, the shooter responsible for the death of at least 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, exchanged messages with men on a gay dating app.

Despite Mateen’s pledge of support to the Islamic State, other possible explanations emerged, including questions of whether he was conflicted about his sexuality.

Mateen, who was shot dead by the police after a three-hour stand-off at the Pulse club early on Sunday, called 911 during his rampage to profess allegiance to various militant Islamist groups.

Salman was Mateen’s second wife.

“He just wanted to fit in and no one liked him”, he added.

She also accompanied Mateen on surveillance trips to Disney World and Disney Springs, an outdoor shopping and entertainment complex.

Earlier in the day, Seddique Mir Mateen said he was unaware when his son last communicated with his wife or to what extent she might have been aware of his intentions.

Finally, more information from relatives and people who knew Mateen in prior years continued to bring into focus a portrait of an angry and volatile bigot with conflicted feelings towards gays.

Mateen is responsible for the worst mass shooting in US history, with 50 people confirmed dead including himself.

“There are strong indications of radicalization by this killer and of potential inspiration by foreign terrorist organizations”, Comey said Monday. These same reports say authorities are considering charging Mateen’s wife due to her knowledge of the situation. Officials said that 28 victims are still hospitalized, including at least four people who are in critical condition.


Salman feared that Mateen, 29, was planning an attack and sought to dissuade him from going forward, a federal law enforcement official said Tuesday. Authorities also believe that Salman accompanied Mateen when he cased the club before he carried out his attack.

Investigators: Fla. gunman made trips to Disney, Pulse