
Omar Mateen’s Wife Tried to Talk Him Out of Orlando Shooting

Following the deadly Orlando shooting, all social media accounts belonging to Mateen were quickly taken down before they could be publicly viewed but were made available to Johnson’s committee charged with investigating the circumstances of the case in congress.


Sources told NBC News that his wife, Noor Zahi, claimed she tried to talk Omar Mateen out of the attack.

“Yes, I’m getting calls”.

Hopper said he wants the public’s help, saying “we ask anyone who may have had contact with the shooter to report that information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation”. “It’s me. I am the shooter”. And that is when I said to him, ‘Sir.

“Whatever language he was speaking, he knew it”.

Gentili said he was momentarily speechless.

Gentili asked that the caller speak English, and he did so.

When the TV producer asked the caller’s location, the man replied that it was none of his business.

“I feel like it’s a side of him or a part of him that he lived but probably didn’t want everybody to know about”, she said.

“He said “no” and hung up the phone”.

The station’s managing editor, according News 13, confirmed the caller’s phone number matched that of the gunman, identified as Omar Mateen.

Fifty-three people were wounded in the attack, with 25 remaining in hospital.

Five of them are still listed in critical condition.

“She definitely is, I guess you would say, a person of interest right now and appears to be cooperating and can provide us with some important information”, Kingsaid.

Jim Van Horn, 71, said Mateen was a regular at the club. She also allegedly drove Mateen to Pulse nightclub to scope it out.

Meanwhile, during all of this, officers are dealing with another distraction: reporters of threats against members in the Muslim community.

Footage has also emerged showing Mateen working as a security guard in 2010 during the clean-up operation after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Hours after the incident on Sunday, U.S. President Barack Obama called it “an act of terror and hate”.


State Rep. John Cortes, R-Kissimmee, is lobbying for stiffer gun laws prohibiting anyone on the FBI’s watch list or no-fly zone from buying guns.

Orlando Fla. Replogle helped put himself through college by working at the Pulse dance club for two years. He returned