
On Russia-backed TV network, Trump doubts Russian influence

WASHINGTON-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump criticized more than a decade of USA foreign policy and cast doubt on assertions that the Kremlin is attempting to meddle in the US elections during a 10-minute interview broadcast on a television network controlled by the Russian government.


Pence agreed with the Republican presidential nominee after being pressed on the issue Thursday by CNN’s Dana Bash.

Just last night, Trump appeared on MSNBC at a townhall attended by U.S. service members. “I opposed going in – and I did oppose it, despite the media saying, ‘Oh, yes, no.’ I opposed going in….”

Johnson’s campaign declined to respond Thursday to Trump’s comments.

In a national defence forum on NBC, Trump said Putin had been a leader “far more than our president”, and praised Putin’s “great control” of his nation.

In the forum, Mr Trump also said: “I was totally against the war in Iraq”. He also has said he won’t vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton, whose remarks on foreign policy Wednesday night he called “equally unnerving” to those from Trump. And Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton called such acclaim from a leading presidential candidate “unpatriotic” and “scary.”

“Other than destroying every instrument of democracy in his own country, having opposition people killed, dismembering neighbors through military force and being the benefactor of the butcher of Damascus, he’s a good guy”, Sen. “What I did learn is that our leadership, Barack Obama, did not follow what our experts. said to do”, Trump said.

Instead of laying out a Middle East strategy at the forum, she said, Trump praised Putin and suggested the strongman is “far more” of a leader than US President Barack Obama.

‘I think when he calls me brilliant I’ll take the compliment, okay?’ Trump said when pressed about Putin, whose regime is under US and worldwide sanctions over Russia’s incursion into Ukraine.

Any sympathy I had for Pence evaporated after he defended Donald Trump’s praise of Vladimir Putin, and in the same breath compare Donald Trump to Ronald Reagan.

Trump’s campaign responded to Clinton’s broadside with a statement saying that at the forum “she was unable to answer for her awful foreign policy judgment, mishandling of classified information and claims that the VA wait time scandal was overblown”.

Clinton said she will convene a national security meeting Friday with former advisers to Presidents Obama and George W. Bush, including Homeland Security Secretaries Michael Chertoff and Janet Napolitano, and retired Navy admiral Jim Stavridis. “Maybe the Democrats are putting that out, who knows?” Trump has made no secret of his admiration for Putin, who past year praised the USA businessman as “very outstanding”. “I don’t like talking about it, I’ll be honest with you”, he said.

“Getting al-Baghdadi will require efforts at the top levels, but it will send a resounding message that nobody directs or inspires attacks against the United States and gets away with it”, she said.

“It’s hard to forget what Trump did last night”.


At a later rally in North Carolina, Clinton noted that Trump has new advisers after a recent campaign shake-up. Trump said, claiming he had not heard Putin’s statement. “The man has very strong control over his country”.

Paul Ryan