
Once a fierce rival, Bobby Jindal says he will vote for Trump

On the other side, Donald Trump has bucked the GOP party line on corporate managed trade deals and won over the blue-collar Republican base. They’re anxious about illegal immigration.


Many have also ruled out any notion of crossing over to support Clinton, an option for many Republicans that is even worse than admitting they could vote for Trump. I say this not just to brag (although I am doing that), but to try and get my media colleagues to understand that they need to listen to why Trump is winning, they need to stop ignoring it. Those candidates made sense because they could use the Republican time-tested formula of mixing fear about terrorists and welfare queens with fervent lip-service to God and the Bible.

Donald Trump may actually become the next president of the United States. “We can not let Barack Obama’s legacy fall into Donald Trump’s hands”.

“I’m not calling myself that”, she said. This is really unsafe for the Democrats in November, because Trump’s position on trade is something that both the far-right and the progressive left actually agree on. They’ve been left behind by the elites in DC.

As he inched closer to sewing up the needed delegates to clinch the Republican presidential nomination, Mr Donald Trump declared on Monday (May 2) that he has more foreign policy experience than “virtually anyone” else in the presidential field.

“There are Democrats who are just anxious about you against Trump, that you’re not ready for whatever he may throw at you, that he’s – he’s brought up a lot of stuff about a lot of people that nobody could have predicted”, CNN’s Anderson Cooper said to Clinton during an interview.

He added, “I think it’s ironic, Ted Cruz was one of the last people to continue to embrace him, to defend him as recently as December, saying positive things about Donald Trump”.

Jindal also tweaked Cruz for unloading on Trump. We conservatives have a job to do. When Americans are asked about their feelings about either candidate, typically only about 3 to 4 percent say they don’t know enough about them to have an opinion. I think there’s 0% chance that Hillary Clinton would put a conservative on the Supreme Court.

Instead, nuance looks like indecisive pandering.


“I’ve sort of been in the arena for 25 years, and I think almost everything that can be thrown at somebody in politics and public life has come my way”, Clinton said.

Trump says he has more foreign policy experience than 'virtually anyone&#039 in race