
One crime each day against foreigners: NCRB 2015 report

In terms of the number of reported cases of crimes committed against Scheduled Tribes (STs) during 2015, Rajasthan was the top offender with 3,207 cases. Important reasons for crimes against the children in these states were rape, kidnapping and abduction and assault on girl child with intent to outrage her modesty.


According to a data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) of India on August 30, 2016, 327,394 cases of crimes against women were reported in 2015, which is a dip of 3.1 pc from 2014.

Delhi witnessed the highest number of cases at 147, followed by Maharashtra with 53 cases and Uttar Pradesh with 33.

According to data, 54 dowry-related deaths were also reported in Bengaluru in 2015.

In 2015, about 42,940 cases of cognisable crimes have been recorded in Mumbai, which has shown a rise of 6.38 percent since 2014.

The data released on Tuesday showed 43 percent of the 9,127 victims were below the age of 18. Karnataka as a whole however, is placed fourth in the country with 6602 cases of rioting, after Bihar ( 13,31), Maharashtra ( 8336) and Uttar Pradesh ( 6813).

Chennai recorded the lowest rate of total crimes among major cites (154.3 per 1 lakh population). Whereas, the national capital has reported 2,199 such cases-highest among the union territories.

Almost 66% of those arrested were from Uttar Pradesh (2,966) and Rajasthan (2,361).

Infamous as the “rape capital”, Delhi is now also the “stalking capital” as the number of stalking cases doubled previous year – from 541 in 2014 to 1,124 in 2015. That means an average of 97 crimes against women are reported in UP, every single day.

West Bengal comes a close second with 10.1% and with Maharashtra and Rajasthan trailing third and fourth with 9.5% and 8.6% of total crimes.


Chhattisgarh reported 3,500 such cases, 1,743 in Gujarat, 1,738 in Bihar and 270 in Goa. But overall, it was Uttar Pradesh, which reported the most number ( 2161) of cyber crimes. In 2015, the Capital saw a steep rise in cases of crime against women. Of these, 17,104 were in Delhi alone, 463 in Chandigarh, 136 in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 80 in Puducherry, 28 in Daman and Diu, 25 in Dadar and Nagar Haveli, and nine in Lakshawdeep.

Women and children rape cases in the country are escalating continuously