
Only 50% of newborns breastfed as mothers forgo health benefits

“Half of the workforce is women, and if they want to be able to meet the goals for Health Canada, they need to be supported to go back to work”. Johns will be partnering with local area pediatricians and obstetricians to provide breastfeeding mothers with a resource kit containing educational material and supplies to promote breastfeeding.


Apart from breastfeeding issues, concerned groups such as the Association of Promotion of Child Nutrition (APCN) and Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) also called for “uniformity in leave for working mothers both in public and private sectors”. This has been achieved largely through intuitive maternity entitlements and more countries actively improving national legislation and workplace practices.

The “synchronized latch on” was part of the “Global Big Latch On”, which has seen breastfeeding demonstrations all over the world to promote the benefits of breastfeeding.

The benefits of breastfeeding are well researched and documented. It also protects mothers from developing breast and ovarian cancer.

For those not fully swayed by the benefits several months of breastfeeding afford; the increased IQ, calming, relaxing and pain relieving benefits for your child may be an added incentive to navigate breastfeeding when returning to work. It provides a number of health advantages beginning at birth and continuing throughout life. The study looked at breastfeeding rates in the first 48 hours after birth, after three-four months and after six-seven months.

In conjunction with World Breastfeeding Week 2015, 124 mothers in Penang simultaneously breastfed their babies for a minute in an event that promoted the importance of breastfeeding. They also have fewer hospitalizations and trips to the doctor. “We know that 80% of mothers who stopped in the first six weeks would have liked more help to continue”.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mothers who breastfeed their children are at a healthier weight on average than those who do not.

Maximising the amount of breastmilk your baby receives. It not only lowers your risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis, it is more likely that you will become obese, too. “No one can tell you to leave any of these places because you are breastfeeding, and no one can tell you to breastfeed in a bathroom, a basement or a private room”.


Full circle, granny knew it all, natural is best.

Only 50% of newborns breastfed as mothers forgo health benefits