
ONU Professor weighs in on Presidential race

“To elect Donald Trump would be a disaster”.


“We are going to win OH, no doubt about that”, Trump said.

The near-universal condemnation of that pitch shows how much his campaign has alienated African-Americans and how hard it will be for him to attract even minimal black support.

Experts say that Mr Trump is also tapping into something of a time-honoured tradition in American politics – upping the perceived stakes to get out the vote.

At his campaign rally in Wilmington, Trump did his best to sour any excitement for Clinton. But there is no calm, controlled, responsible version of Donald Trump the politician who can mount a sustained presidential campaign or who could serve for a sustained period of time in the Oval Office.

Bishop Wayne T. Jackson invited him to Great Faith Ministries for services on Saturday. No press is expected to be present for the interview, which will air later on Impact Network, a Christian-oriented cable network owned by Jackson. Lauren Passalacqua, spokeswoman for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said voters will dismiss Republicans as acting for pure self-preservation if they abandon Trump “and say, ‘You know what, forget that guy, I’ll be a real check on the president'”.

Get ready for some must-see TV.

Clinton is being dragged down by terrible favorability ratings, which have prevented her from running away with the race.

“The message is legitimate, but the messenger is completely illegitimate – that’s the irony”, said Van Jones, a political activist and commentator.

We also need to crack down on the more than 300 sanctuary cities in America.

Back in 1996, the RNC shifted its messaging and resources away from presidential nominee Bob Dole in October after it was determined that the Kansas senator was too far behind in the polls to defeat Democratic incumbent Bill Clinton. At the time, she was consistently reaching 50 percent support.

Without the RNC, Trump would be left with a bare bones operation reliant largely on social media and his personality to ensure his voters show up.

That spokesman, Seth Unger, is now among Mandel operatives who are working for Trump’s OH campaign.

“I don’t think the border needs to be better secured”, Selden said.

The FBI also determined that Clinton used up to 13 different devices to access her e-mail, including 8 Blackberrys, during her tenure. They also allocate more than half of their estimate to education and healthcare for children, neglecting that most are actually native-born USA citizens – not undocumented immigrants. While it’s highly likely that either the Democratic or Republican candidate will win, this doesn’t mean that they stand alone in the campaign.

Just ask Mitt Romney: In September 2012, a secretly recorded video emerged that caught the Republican nominee saying 47 percent of Americans pay no taxes and consider themselves victims, feeding into impressions that Romney wasn’t looking out for ordinary people. Meanwhile, 13 states have voted for the Republican. For instance Ohio Gov. John Kasich got the support of 26 percent of black voters when he ran for reelection in 2014.

Clinton has a lead of 3.8 percentage points over Trump in OH, according to an average of recent polls compiled by RealClearPolitics. Clinton would offer a pathway to citizenship for most immigrants regardless of how they arrived, continue to defer enforcement action against families, and offer health care options to immigrants here illegally.

Trump turned down invitations to speak to each of those groups, which Wilkerson called “ridiculous”. “What about the folks who don’t go to church?”

Clinton was expected to attend the Labor Day festival in Cleveland alongside running mate Tim Kaine and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.

“Even though it’s coming from him it doesn’t make it wrong”, Turner said.

But extreme policy like this never only hurts African-Americans.


Professor James Gardner from the University at Buffalo School of Law, an expert in election law, said: “The problem with this kind of talk is that it primes people to look past the most obvious cause of a lost election – that more people just preferred the other candidate”. Nearly one-fifth of registered voters (18 per cent) still don’t know or have no opinion, despite election day being roughly two months away, Morning Consult said. Dr. Jill Stein will lead the Green Party ticket this fall, and Gary Johnson represents the Libertarian Party.

Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton