
Oof: Debate viewership sinks sans Trump

Donald Trump visibly reveled in the drama unleashed by his snub of Thursday’s Republican presidential debate – taunting his rivals and host channel Fox News from a fundraising event nearby created to upstage them. “And I’ll tell you this: If we nominate a candidate who supports amnesty, a candidate who has the same position on amnesty as Hillary Clinton, we will lose”. “But once this started, it’s for our vets, there was nothing I could do”.


“George Bush skipped the New Hampshire debate to focus on Iowa and Ronald Reagan skipped the Iowa last debate in 1980″, said Husser.

Donald Trump skipped out on a Republican presidential debate and everyone lost their minds.

“I was treated very unfairly by Fox”. “I like the fact that he wants to change the country back to the way it was when he grew up”.

“We keep having politicians who sound great on the trail and they don’t do what they say”, Cruz said when asked about his policy differences with Rubio.

But a Fox News spokesperson told INSIDE EDITION on Friday that Kelly had not called Trump Voldemort.

While the candidates who participated won the ratings battle, Trump’s event – in which GOP also-rans like former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum stopped by – ensured Trump was somehow the biggest man in both rooms despite only physically being in one, as the Fox News debate saw quite a few references (oblique or otherwise) to the front-runner. In 2016, Donald said, “I have zero respect for Megyn Kelly”.

Viewership for the three Democratic debates has ranged between 8.6 million and 15.8 million, and a study released by the Pew Research Center offers some insights into to why the GOP debates are more popular television events. In August past year, she asked a furious Trump about some derogatory comments related to women that he had previously stated.

Trump later added that he thought Fox News would have had “about 10” of the videos, which were directed at Cruz and Marco Rubio, ready for him.

In the first clip, Trump trashes Ted Cruz as a “nasty guy” whom “nobody likes”. “This election is about people who are really hurting and we need a leader that will fix things and that has a proven record to do it”, said Jeb Bush, (R) presidential candidate.


The combined audience for MSNBC’s and CNN’s coverage of the Donald Trump charity event/rally only amounted to about 25 percent of the Fox News audience, according to CNN’s Brian Stelter.

Trump’s supporters responded to his “I won't call her a bimbo but... ” provocation by flooding Kelly’s Twitter and Facebook with hundreds of sexist slurs