
Oops: ABC says it’s sorry it called OJ Simpson tapes ‘exclusive’

When O.J. Simpson testified in the 1996 wrongful death suit brought by the families of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman, there were no cameras in the courtroom.


ABC News this morning apologized for describing as “long lost” the “never before seen” deposition tapes of OJ Simpson made for his civil trial over the murders of his former wife and her friend, on which the news division claimed to have an “exclusive” look.

The grainy footage showed a deposition Simpson gave under oath over 13 days in a 1997 civil case, and had been gathering dust in an underground storage facility for almost two decades before being discovered by documentary film-makers.

In clips released by ABC News, Simpson is seen denying the existence of bruises on Nicole Brown’s face as seen in a photo, but does say “yes” when asked whether he had ever hurt his ex-wife. LMN will host another documentary on the tapes, “The Secret Tapes of the O.J. Simpson Case: The Untold Story”, to air September 30.

ABC News is doing the right thing: “We were wrongly under the impression these deposition tapes were exclusive and had not aired before at length”.

In the video deposition, Simpson appeared to be a slippery witness. Check out a teaser below, and tell us what you think.

“At the end of Nicole’s life, I think she finally was at a place where she knew she had to be more vocal with what was going on and she was in trouble”, Kris says. I mean you could look at his face and see it. I’ve known him my entire life.

“For the first time, we hear Simpson’s chilling testimony about his relationship with his ex-wife, Nicole”, GMA anchor George Stephanopoulos said while introducing the story. “I take total responsibility”, he said. Simpson was acquitted of murdering Miss Simpson & her pal Ron Goldman in a criminal trial in 1995. She also says O.J. talked to her over the phone from jail while the proceedings were going on and that he told her, “I didn’t do it”.

Mr Petrocelli, continuing to ask about times he had hurt her in the past, not on the night of her death, said: “You had your fingers around her throat, correct?” .

DENISE BROWN/AP O.J. Simpson claimed that Nicole Brown Simpson wore movie “make-up” in photos that showed her battered face.

Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman’s killer left a key piece of evidence at the crime scene – a men’s size 12 Bruno Magli brand shoe print stamped in the victims’ blood.


“They were ugly to me”, Simpson said, according to ABC News. “Esthetically, I felt that they were ugly and I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and to me they were ugly shoes”, he said.

OJ Simpson