
Opponents to pot legalization issue to launch

The campaign event at Nationwide Children’s Hospital came a few hours after ResponsibleOhio announced its own voter educational efforts – via a recreational vehicle painted green, emblazoned with images of marijuana plants and urging “Yes on legalization” and “Legalize Ohio 2015”. It sets up a network of 10 authorized growing locations around the state, some that have already attracted private investors, and lays out a regulatory and taxation scheme for cannabis.


“He is one of a bipartisan group of legislators who strongly support this effort and has offered his assistance in whatever way possible”, said Jen Detwiler, a Steiner Public Relations associate who is a spokeswoman for Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies.

There are plenty of physicians, researchers and patients-including medical marijuana refugees from Ohio-who support marijuana for medical purposes, and they’re sick of the status quo.

But proponents say the plan will boost the state’s coffers and workforce numbers and provide appropriate regulation for drug sales and distribution. “That’s a fact”, Oltman said. “And we want to bring tax revenue back to local communities”.

Ian James, executive director of ResponsibleOhio, said Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies could hamper scientific research that might benefit children and adults. “We will have requirements that make edibles childproof”. “Because drug dealers don’t ID the kids”.

Your questions answered: The marijuana issue before voters this fall is confusing, we try to explain the issue and answer your qustions.


ResponsibleOhio claims it’s prepared to spend $20 million on the ballot issue.

Opponents to pot legalization issue to launch