
Oprah Winfrey Cookbook Scheduled for Early 2017

Oprah Winfrey is throwing her support behind Hillary Clinton.


Winfrey said she thinks it’s time for America to have a woman president.

“In the past several months on Weight Watchers, I have worked with wonderful chefs to make healthier versions of my favorite meals”, she said. “That ceiling has gone ‘boom, ‘ you know?”

“And then i get to the hospital and I’m getting ready to get my robe on and I say to the lady ‘How are you?’ and she says ‘Prayin” and then she does the sign of the cross.

“I thought the “Carpool Karaoke” with all the Broadway stars was one of the best ever”, Winfrey shared.

Candidate: In October, Winfrey said she didn’t “see a role” for herself in the 2016 election cycle.

“I do not believe that”, Winfrey said, playing down her enormous popularity.

“I have great respect for Hillary Clinton”, Winfrey said. I just say, ‘Enough.’ When are we going to be conscious enough to say, ‘That doesn’t make any sense?’ We have the right to bear arms, but do we have the right to bear assault weapons?

In a one-day-later backtrack that would become commonplace in his presidential campaign, The Donald told “Fox and Friends” he hadn’t been serious.

Clinton isn’t the only big name Winfrey heaped praise on.

At back-to-back conventions in July, Trump and Clinton will be officially elected as their respective party’s nominees for president.

Clinton, on the other hand, could find her flawless match in the powerful TV star.


‘It’s not just people in elective office.

AMERICA IT'S ABOUT TIME: Oprah Winfrey says she's with Hillary Clinton. The influential talk-show host says Clinton who is striving to become the first woman president has her support in the 2016 election