
Oregon police chief responded to racism complaint ‘by comparing black people

Former Clatskanie Police Chief Marvin Hoover was placed on administrative leave in August after two officers filed a complaint about his behavior in response to a discussion about a possible discrimination lawsuit. Two police officers have come forward, alleging that the police chief, who has now retired, is racist.


The officer told investigators on July 20 that McQuiddy and K-9 Officer Zack Gibson were present June 25 when Hoover compared an African-American woman to a monkey, “making loud monkey sounds…” Stone said he also filed a criminal mischief report with his own department.

The chief was placed on administrative leave on August 5 by city manager Greg Hinkelman over reportedly racial comments but he declined to provide further details. “You have this community’s gratitude, gratefulness and appreciation”.

“While Chief Hoover was scratching and chanting, he started to move around the room, in a dance or jumping fashion”, Stone wrote in his complaint to the state agency that certifies law enforcement. “Trust in police around the country has already been badly damaged by highly visible acts of targeted violence toward people of color and Chief Hoover’s actions add to the widening chasm between the police and the communities they serve”.

Stone said of a woman he arrested, “I relayed several of the arrestee’s remarks such as, ‘When you look at me, my black skin and my nappy hair, all you see is an animal, ‘” said Officer Stone in the incident report. “Allowing Chief Hoover to retire while paying him a bonus sends exactly the wrong message”. “Rather than holding Chief Hoover accountable for his racism, they rewarded him”.

“I consider Chief Hoover an honorable man and officer”, Mayor Pohl wrote.

As Stone continued to try to debrief his boss, Hoover once again interrupted and stated “That’s what they deserve”, before starting to sing “Dixie“. No where in the letter did she comment on the racist allegations made towards Hoover.

After finishing the song, it is claimed Hoover laughed and left the room.

Clatskanie Mayor Diane Pohl, who later wrote a public letter thanking him for his work, didn’t mention the “monkey” incident at all.

‘In addition, while singing the words “look away” Chief Hoover moved his head back-and-forth to his left and right as if he was looking over his shoulder. Just take it easy on the elk, bear and fish that you will have more time to pursue!’

KOIN Police Officer Dustin Alex Stone says he’s been getting death threats after complaining about his “openly racist” police chief.


‘My wife’s been forced off the road twice.

Report: Clatskanie chief sang Dixie, mocked blacks as monkeys