
Oregon police officer placed on leave over Facebook posts

Mr Obama has faced criticism from some quarters of the police who blame him in part for the apparent escalation in racial violence, and say he has not been supportive enough of law enforcement. I am a white, Jewish, woman living in the South and I am struggling to figure out what to do.


Then, on July 7, a black army veteran opened fire on police in Dallas, Texas, killing five and wounding seven others during a Black Lives Matter protest.

“We all go through the same things”.

A NUMBER OF Black Lives Matter demonstrations took place across Ireland today following the shooting dead of five United States police officers in Dallas and two further recent shootings of black men by USA law enforcement.

I would like to be an excellent comrade.

“I’m not saying protesting isn’t an option”.

“I don’t know if I should feel excited because I’m seeing all of these attractive, diverse faces, if I’m encouraged by the fact that you’re here today holding signs and lighting candles”, questioned Rev. J. Lee Hill at the group’s rally. Truthfully, I don’t totally know what it means but the system feels so broken and I owe it to myself, my kid, my country and my God to do better than this.

“It’s election time and we need people to voice their opinion”, he said.

Can presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and former NY mayor Rudolph Giuliani be so morally boring that they cannot see that the statement “Black Lives Matter” is neither racist nor divisive?

Over 100 people are expected fill the sidewalks at the corner of Market Street and State of Franklin Road beginning at 5:30 p.m. and lasting until 8 p.m., according to a Facebook event posted by the local Black Lives Matter chapter.

The march came a day after the first of many planned meetings between Fayetteville Police, the Northwest Arkansas Democratic Black Caucus and a group called Not in my City Fayetteville, which hopes to start an ongoing conversation between officers and black residents. Now, the ongoing issue has gained both nation and worldwide attention that has now spiraled the issue into even more confusion, more senseless death, and more misunderstanding. We aren’t saying Black Lives are more meaningful than others, we are saying our lives are just as meaningful as everyone else’s.

Secondly, I am working on talking with my friends, family and congregants of all colors about race. And, let’s be honest, my fellow white folks, because he’s black. This is a frightening proposition.

The nature of the discrimination faced by black communities in each city differs, Potashnik said. More recent videos showed the police killings of Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina; Tamir Rice in Cleveland; Eric Garner in NY; and then last week Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota.


Maybe you just need a cause to be angry about.

Obama Police Show Restraint When Bullets Fly