
Original “Star Wars” movie reviews, from awed to dismayed

The force is expected to be strong in Sydney with the highly anticipated premiere of the latest Star Wars instalment at the city’s entertainment precinct in Moore Park.


“In addition, Janelle Monae, also an avid Star Wars fan and a CoverGirl, partnered with us to create a surprise seventh look for the campaign: Resistance Pilot”.

The Force Awakens premiere had familiar elements for a Star Wars event: Stormtroopers marched and droids rolled down the red carpet. And with cord-cutting the latest rage, interested buyers can now stream all six previous “Star Wars” movies.

Although it might be a long time before would-be Jedis can fight like Luke Skywalker, a team of scientists have said some Star Wars technology is closer than you think. There was also a possibility of opening a second 2D theatre.

“Holy crap, that Star Wars #TheForceAwakens is so good in the best old-school way!”

Ticket sales for The Force Awakens, which premieres here at midnight tonight, could generate US$2.4 billion, Nomura research said, while hundreds of millions of dollars could flow in from movie downloads, DVDs and video games.

“Finn is the first Stormtrooper where we have gone into his individuality, he leaves the First Order and meets Rey and BB and they go on a journey together”.

A Star Wars movie that passes the Bechdel test. I’ll believe it when I see it, which I won’t.

Such careful custodianship – mocked in a recent “Saturday Night Live” skit that poked fun at adult “Star Wars” collectors – makes the future scarcity that would drive prices up unlikely, he said.

“If we get 100 people on the night, we can still accommodate them but some of them might miss out on the 3D screening and have to watch the 2D”, she said.


The first Star Wars film was released in 1977 with two more sequels released in 1980 and 1983. For more on Lucasfilm’s beloved film franchise, head over to IGN’s Star Wars hub. A prequel trilogy was released between 1999 and 2005. Force Block and Spoiler Alert may be our saviors.

Star Wars The Force Awakens