
Orlando shooter’s wife was aware of attack plans

Gunman Omar Mateen called 911 and pledged his allegiance to the Islamic State group during his attack on Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in which he killed 49 people and injured dozens more.


Seddique Mateen, the father of the killer responsible for slaughtering 49 people in an Orlando gay nightclub last weekend, spoke out Wednesday morning to decry both the “killer group” ISIS but also the club Pulse for its “sloppy security”.

The attack in Florida was the worst mass shooting in recent United States history.

Law enforcement authorities are “considering filing criminal charges against Noor for failing to tell them what she knew”, NBC says, adding that she is cooperating with investigators and says she tried to talk Mateen out of committing the attack.

While his victims texted heartbreaking last words to loved ones from the blood-drenched floors of packed bathrooms, Omar Mateen apparently turned to social media to measure the viral shockwaves his attack on a gay nightclub had generated.

Mr Gentili began to explain that he had been taking calls about reports of a gun attack but the male caller cut him off by saying: “I’m the shooter. I said, ‘Hey, ‘ and he turned and said, ‘Hey, ‘” and nodded his head, West said.

“Investigators and the Federal Bureau of Investigation director right now say this guy seems to be very confused, with odd affiliations that are inconsistent with different terrorist groups, and there may be a psychological health issue going on here as well”, Carrie says.

Speaking at the press conference, Hopper said so far Mateen remained the main suspect in the FBI investigation.

The footage, which has not been released, may prove that she knew about Mateen’s heinous plans to massacre innocent people.

He said Mateen was clearly “radicalized”, at least in part via the internet.

“He’s been going to this bar for at least three years”, Callen said.

When asked exactly where Mateen visited, and whether the locations included theme parks as reported in news accounts, the mayor said: “I think it’s been pretty accurately depicted on the news”.


Her 3-year-old son was in the back seat of the auto, according to 7Miami News, which captured Salman in the back seat of the vehicle, a hoodie hiding her face from the cameras.

Orlando Fla. Replogle helped put himself through college by working at the Pulse dance club for two years. He returned