
Orlando shooter worked for security firm tainted by gaffs

He died in a gunfight with police.


Nefzi, a member of the mosque’s board, said he never saw Mateen “interact” with Albusalha, the suicide bomber who went to Syria.

It appeared that Mateen may have contacted another Orlando club in the days leading up to the shooting. But one theme kept coming up: the fear that although Mateen was born and raised in the US, his Afghan heritage might inflame passions against the Afghan-American community.

The father of the Orlando nightclub gunman wishes his son “killed himself” somewhere outside of the United States. “What he was doing while he was working or inside his house, I don’t know”. “He told us he had a wife and child”.

It is still unknown the reason Mateen targeted the club. He later handed over his cellphone and log-in information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation following the shooting.

King described Mateen as gregarious and talkative in the immediate years after high school, but said “something must have changed” since he last saw him in 2009.

Abbulahad Sohrabi, 38, an Afghan government employee, said he expects Americans will not abandon the principle of “respect” as they sift through their emotions.

Mateen worked for G4S Secure Solutions, known as Wackenhut Security before it became G4S’s USA subsidiary.

Seddique Mir Mateen lavished praise on current Afghan President Ashraf Ghani when he appeared on the show in January 2014, but he has since denounced the Ghani government, according to the official, who said that on Saturday, Seddique Mateen appeared on the show dressed in military fatigues and used his program to criticize the current Afghan government. “If I didn’t walk away and I fought, then maybe 50 people would still be alive today”. Forty-nine people and Mateen were killed in the attack.

The 2013 complaint prompted G4S to transfer Omar Mateen.

Seddique Mir Mateen the father of Pulse Orlando nightclub shooter, Omar Mateen, has a day after his son blasted the venue posted a message on his Facebook page condemning his son’s targets, while applauding the death of the venue’s homosexual patrons.

He further mentioned that Mateen would use curse words for gay people, blacks, Jews and women.

A spokesman for the St. Lucie County clerk of court said Mateen had once been assigned to the clerk’s building and was issued a credential. “Clearly, if his employer had access to his juvenile record, he would be the last person to own a weapon”, Bielicki wrote.

“Mateen underwent company screening and background checks when he was recruited in 2007 and the check revealed nothing of concern”, G4S North America CEO John Kenning said in a statement.

Records show Mateen enrolled in Florida’s Department of Corrections Academy in October 2006, the law enforcement source said.

Agriculture officials, who have the ability to investigate security guards and companies, did not answer questions Tuesday about Mateen or G4S. Yusufiy told reporters in Boulder, Colorado, that she believed Mateen suffered from mental illness.

Family members, center, of victims of the Orlando nightclub shooting are escorted out by volunteers as they leave a family reunification center set up at the Beardall Senior Center, Monday, June 13, 2016, in Orlando, Fla. It’s unclear when Mateen married his second wife, Noor Salman, but an Aug 30, 2013, property deed in Saint Lucie County identified them as a married couple.

Mateen’s former wife said she met Mateen online about eight years ago and made a decision to move to Florida to marry him, according to the Washington Post.

Comey noted that al-Nusra is “a group in conflict with the so-called Islamic State”.

Another Muslim who worshiped at the Islamic Centre here and who didn’t want to be named said he heard Mateen talk of “immorality” in the United States and specifically mentioned a recent Texas case of a female teacher having sex with an eighth-grade student – without objections by the boy’s parents. He was entered into a terrorist screening database during the time the FBI was questioning him, but he was removed when the FBI closed the investigation, Tepper reports.


“We were not made aware of any alleged connections between Mateen and terrorist activities, and were unaware of any further FBI investigations”, the statement reads, adding that the company is cooperating with authorities in the investigation of the attack.

Nightclub shooter sought career in law enforcement