
Orphaned sisters reunite decades later working at same hospital in Florida

After spending a few lunch-break conversations comparing stories, Hughes and O’Brien chose to take a chance on a DNA test. And, it’s safe to say, they were totally thrilled with the results.


‘I still can’t believe it.’ Eventually both ended up working as nursing assistants and were hired to the same shifts on the same floor of the same hospital in Florida.

According to The Associated Press, Eun-sook, now known as Meagan Hughes, grew up in Kingston, New York, about 300 miles from her sister.

Earlier this year, Ms O’Brien was hired at Bayfront Health Port Charlotte, working on the fourth floor with the medical surgical unit.

From there the two orphaned Korean sisters ‘instantly connected’ with the uncanny similarities and tales of childhood separation soon adding up, the pair chose to see if they just might be each other’s lost sister from Korea, after each had resettled under the guise of different families in the United States.

“But in my heart, I knew…”

Even Hollywood couldn’t concoct a script as wonderful as the true-life story of sisters Holly O’Brien and Meagan Hughes. She said you should talk to her, maybe you’re from the same town, ‘ O’Brien told the newspaper.

Miss O’Brien said: “I said we’ve got to do the DNA test, it’s the only way we’ll get the truth out of the whole thing”. At the age of 5, she recalls being pulled out of school to identify her father’s body after he’d wandered into the path of an oncoming train.

When Ms Hughes finally heard the news she said: “I was in shock, I was numb”. I have a sister. “But I was with a patient”. If she had texted me early in the morning, I don’t know what I would’ve done’.

One night, as a child, Holly Hoyle O’Brien woke up in tears. She’s already excited about the holidays.


Ms O’Brien added: “I have this very strong belief that God must be… like, whatever I’ve done, I must’ve done something good in my life”. But the woman left Hughes’ half sister, Pok-nam Shin, known as Holly Hoyle O’Brien, who was two years older, in the care of the father.

Korean Sisters Reunited