
Osama bin Laden’s son Hamza vows attack on UK, US

The al Qaeda supreme leader Osama bin Laden wanted to nurture Hamza as his successor in the group, according to documents confiscated from bin Ladens’ Abbottabad hideout by US forces. The use of Hamza may be an effort to reattach the family name to al-Qaeda in order to shore up the militant group’s “brand”, says the intel expert via the Independent.


Hamza bin Laden, who is now reportedly 23 or 24 years old, has given voice as a public figure for the first time ever.

The terrorist’s prodigal son, in his mid 20s, told Al Qaeda supporters to carry out lone wolf attacks in Washington, D.C., Paris and Tel-Aviv in a video released Friday.

‘Hamza Bin Laden urged lone wolf attacks in the US and the West; targeting of Jewish American interests globally’.

It was reported that Hamza was in the compound when the US raided the place in 2011, however, he was able to escape.

During the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the Al-Jazeera network broadcast footage that appeared to show him among Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.

Osama bin Laden’s son dubbed the Crown Prince of Terror, has released a chilling message calling on supporters to attack the West.

The importance of succession in the Middle East must never be underestimated.

The recording was made before June, but today’s release is thought to be in response to Islamic State’s strengthening support, which it is stealing from al-Qaeda.

Hamza bin Laden’s message contains an indirect indicator that Al Qaeda wants to get back to the terror Olympus: significantly, the address does not mention ISIS.


The video has an introduction by current terror chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, reports terror intelligence group SITE.