
OSSTF/FEESO, OPSBA and the Government Reach a Tentative Agreement

Ontario English public high school teachers have reached a tentative agreement with the province, its union announced this morning.


A meeting of union local leaders is scheduled for some time this week. Bargaining talks at the provincial level were to cover issues such as money and class sizes, while local issues are still being negotiated with individual school boards.

Union President Sam Hammond will address more than 800 delegates during their annual meeting today.

ETFO members will have been without a contract for one year on August. 31.

OSSTF becomes the first teachers union to reach a tentative deal as the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) and Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) remain without deals.

Last week, Education Minister Liz Sandals warned the four big teachers’ unions that they can’t unilaterally decide what job actions they’ll take if there are no deals when school resumes and call it a work-to-rule campaign.


OSSTF members in Peel and Durham Region, as well as teachers in the Rainbow District in and around Sudbury went on strike this past spring, leaving more than 60,000 students without class instruction.

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation says a tentative contract agreement has been reached with the provincial government. Education Minister Liz Sandals said negotiations were 'challenging for all sides.&#039