
Other View: Kaine choice is responsible if light on pizzazz

Clinton also said that if elected she will be the sole president, despite being married to a former president.


Before retreating to his home, Kaine said that the Commonwealth is very much in the media spotlight and that he was proud to be carrying on the neighborhood’s story.

Kaine, who was announced as Clinton’s running mate this weekend ahead of the Democratic National Convention, said using terms like “Crooked Hillary” was beneath “the kind of dialogue we should have”. Would I prefer to see an Elizabeth Warren selected by Secretary Clinton?

“People are very willing to say things about me, to make accusations about me”, Clinton said.

“Are his political views different than mine?” Clinton and Kaine are expected to campaign together in Youngstown and Columbus, the aide said.

“I’m trying to get to know more about him”, said Karen Iglesias, a health educator from West Kendall who is of Bolivian descent.

“Trust me, on his worst, worst, worst day, Tim Kaine is 100 times better than Donald Trump will ever be”, Sanders said. The pair also lambasted GOP nominee Donald Trump, his VP Mike Pence of IN, and promised a strong contrast between the recent Republican National Convention the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

Clinton used the phrase after host Scott Pelley described a recent interview with a young black man who cited Clinton’s “corruption problems” as a support-stopper. Clinton has chosen Kaine to be her running mate. Signs carried messages such as “Never Hillary” and even in one case “Just go to jail, Hillary”, an echo of the Republicans’ “Lock her up”. I seem to be the only unifying theme that they had.

The Trump campaign wasted no time in deploying one of their famous nicknames, pointing out that Mr Kaine had received more than $160,000 in gifts while governor and lieutenant governor of Virginia. “And what I’ve had to say to them is that, you know, these issues are not new”.

Sanders said the party chairwoman, Rep., Debbie Wasserman Schultz, should resign immediately.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump unveiled a new line of attack against Sen. Whether or not that will be enough to assuage concerns and help win the votes of Sanders’ supporters and progressive Democrats is something we’ll have to wait and see.

Clinton is within just days of her long-held ambition to become the party’s official presidential nominee. He later told reporters outside the church: “We needed some prayers today and we got some prayers, and we got some support and it really feels good”.


Clinton complained of a “Hillary standard” – suggesting that she faces more scrutiny than other top-level politicians.

Tim Kaine speaking with Hillary Clinton at a rally after she chose him to be her running mate