
Outnumbered and outmuscled, Dump-Trumpers thumped by GOP

The efforts were to argue for rules changes that would increase transparency in the way the party is run and decentralize power away from Washington, D.C., to state parties and closer to the people. The announcement puzzled and infuriated some of Alaska’s delegates, who traveled thousands of miles and spent thousands of dollars to voice their vote for President.


Longtime Donald Trump ally Roger Stone laid into Ted Cruz minutes after his non-endorsement Wednesday, calling him a “dumb son of a bitch” and a “despicable human being”. Trump was in second-place with 11, and Rubio in third with five votes.

Both Rubio and Cruz later suspended their campaigns.

Later, former House speaker Newt Gingrich tried to calm down delegates by saying that some had “misunderstood” Cruz.

Norm Semanko is a current member of the RNC Rules & Order of Business Committee, former general counsel for the RNC and former Idaho State Republican Party chairman.

Trump delegates cat-called and pointed fingers at the Texas senator as he told the delegates to “vote your conscience” – but did not mention Trump.

However, the Convention’s Presiding Officer awarded all 28 of Alaska’s delegates to Trump, drawing a protest from Alaska’s delegation. State party chairman Tuckerman Babcock said by text that he believes it was a mistake and says it will be fixed in the permanent record. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that the key people in the Trump operation, inexplicably, did not read Cruz’s speech or did not read it closely enough to take cognizance of this critical passage.

Trump’s name was put into the nomination by Alabama Sen.

“Whatever may or may not have been planned, apparently it didn’t happen”, said Colorado delegate Kevin Grantham.

Daudt of course is among the hundreds or more Republican politicians around the country whose political fortunes are now officially tied to Donald Trump in November. Wilson says Melania Trump struck her as classy and intelligent.

“The simple fact of the matter is if we had stopped Trump on that first ballot, then it was our expectation that someone else would’ve thrown their hat into the ring”, said Minor.

Babcock suggested that if it was a speechwriter who used such similar language, that person should accept responsibility.

He said party leaders wanted to “make sure that Donald Trump is the nominee, regardless of what the states said, regardless of what the delegates say”.

The extraordinary political takeover was cemented Tuesday night, and the GOP is now hitching its hopes of keeping Democrat Hillary Clinton out of the White House. He says Hillary Clinton is a crooked liar and needs to be in prison. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen.

A ruckus erupted on the floor of the Republican National Convention yesterday afternoon.


During walks around the arena, I spotted Don King – who was barred from a speaking role because, you know, he stomped someone to death.