
Outrage builds after San Antonio mattress company makes Twin Tower commercial

The retailer initially approved the display, but it has since been removed after customers complained.


In what may go down as the most misguided attempt at marketing in modern history, Miracle Mattress in San Antonio, Texas, produced and ran a Facebook Live commercial advertising their “Twin Towers sale” by making light of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on NY.

The Miracle Mattress video, which has since been deleted but not before being uploaded to YouTube by one viewer, centered around the infamous attack by al-Qaeda terrorists on September 11, 2001, when two planes flew into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City.

“Oh no, oh no”, the woman screams, before turning toward the camera.

According to commercial clips uploaded to YouTube and Facebook, Miracle Mattress in San Antonio is running a “Twin Tower Sale”, offering mattresses of any size for the price of a twin mattress.

The store should have forgotten to make this ad in the first place..

“You’re sorry you offended me?” Are you kidding me? “Please accept our apology”.

On top of pushing a Twin Towers Sale for twin mattresses, the ad from Miracle Mattress shows two mattresses standing in the back tumbling down at the end as the actors fall into it while yelling. There will never be an appropriate time to mock 9/11, and to do it to promote mattress sales?! “Have some self respect”. “Our staff is full of military and some relatives have passed away due to 9/11”, the store said Thursday in a Facebook post.


Perhaps one day business owners will learn that it’s just not a good idea to hold a promotional sale to commemorate 9/11. “If that were the case they would have been so disgusted with your commercial that it would have never seen the light of day!” “How you could even think for one second that anyone would find this amusing or non-offensive is beyond me!” “You guys are really repulsive”.

Texas mattress store apologizes after releasing questionable 9/11 commercial