
Over 100 Republicans Urge Party to Stop Funding Trump’s Presidential Campaign

While campaigning in CT this weekend, Trump reminisced about his unprecedented Republican primary wins.


A USA Today and Rock the Vote survey of millennials found that young voters are less likely to vote for Donald Trump than any other candidate in history.

“Mr. Trump had all sorts of diversions going on and wasn’t talking about that”, Curbelo added. “Anyone who can not name our enemy is not fit to lead our country”, he said, criticizing President Barack Obama’s unwillingness to use the words “radical Islam” when referring to terrorism.

In 2012, Trump criticized Republican nominee Mitt Romney for resisting calls to put own his own returns.

Sanford worries Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns could decrease the incentive for other candidates to do so. The GOP nominee has declined to do so, citing an ongoing audit.

Curbelo pointed to Trump’s failure to focus on Clinton’s false claim that Federal Bureau of Investigation director James Comey said she was truthful about her email and new revelations about the Clinton Foundation as evidence supporting his theory.

Trump trails in every single state that Jones mentioned, at least according to publicly available polling, and not the Trump internal polls that Jones claims exist. “Only those who we expect to flourish in our country and to embrace a tolerant American society should be issued visas”, Trump said amidst applause.

The former secretary of state is propelled in large party by overwhelming support among voters in the Washington suburbs, who backed her 68% to 23%.

“To him, demands that he release his tax returns are just a ploy by his opponents and enemies to undermine his campaign”. Clinton’s documents showed an income of more than $10 million in 2015. Ted Cruz, R-Texas for president. He served as South Carolina’s governor from 2003 to 2011, a tenure that was also stained by the revelation that Sanford had an extramarital affair.

The Republicans now control both houses of Congress.

The Republican Presidential candidate also said he will call on an worldwide conference to work with our friends in the Middle East, including Israel, to develop a full proof plan to stop terrorism in its tracks, “We cannot always choose our friends but we can never fail to recognize our enemies”.

“Obviously, Donald Trump was not my preferred candidate through the primary”.


“Yeah I think it would be a good idea”, another added.

Over 100 Republicans Urge Party to Stop Funding Trump's Presidential Campaign