
Overwatch beta coming to Europe sooner than expected, alongside Americas on

The beta is set to run from October 27 with a number of weekend Beta tests.


Blizzard has stated that it’s too early in the development process to determine which games will be supported in the future.

While everyone has been eagerly awaiting news regarding Overwatch’s beta, Blizzard has been doing additional background work involving integrated voice chat.

Moreover, since it’s just a feature that will just be incorporated, expect no graphical changes from the desktop app. The firm will be rolling out added info concerning the feature in the coming days.

The company is hoping that, for their upcoming “Overwatch” game, players will do away with Skype, Ventrillo, or other third party apps used for communication. The team will have the mundane job to give feedback concerning the various facets of the game.

“We were able to complete setup and testing of our beta servers for Europe sooner than anticipated”, blogged Blizzard. This will also allow Blizzard to peer into the server-side of things.


Q: How will voice chat work in the Overwatch beta test? Players often opt to use external voice chat programs as a result. Quickly coordinating a team might be the key to success and voice chat could make that much easier. Players should be wary of any email saying that they are in right now and wait for Blizzard to announce that invites have been distributed. Two panels centered on the new IP are planned, one for each day of the convention as seen on the official schedule. “The goal is not to get as many people in as possible”.

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