
Overwatch comics to be published by Dark Horse

The game features little hints – the arrival of Ana was teased via various in-game assets – but the comics and visual novel will go someway towards rounding out Overwatch’s overall story. Telling a story in multiplayer games is arguably more hard than in single-player RPG games, but Blizzard found a solution.


If you, like me and can’t seem to get enough of the story and world behind Blizzard’s shooter, Overwatch, then brace yourselves. A number of eight-page digital comics are already available through Dark Horse’s digital comics platforms, with more now in production and slated for release in the future. The two will be launching an Overwatch graphic novel to paint a larger picture of the game’s universe, adding depth to characters and flow to the story. Blizzard’s previously released Overwatch digital comics are being re-published on Dark Horse Digital, with plans for more digital comics, a graphic novel, and an art book.


IGN reports that under the new agreement, Dark Horse will republish Blizzard’s digital Overwatch comics through its own comics service. The first, expected to be released in April of next year, will be a 100-page graphic novel. It will contain some original illustrations and concept art for the game, never released to the public. Stay tuned for more details regarding The Art of Overwatch.

Blizzard's OVERWATCH Lands at Dark Horse