
Overwatch Future Maps, Heroes, And More

With the advent of the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) usually comes an influx of sudden video game news rumors, and speculations about what is next for Blizzard‘s multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS) video game “Overwatch” are among the hottest despite the game being a mere few weeks old.


He also touched on the updated Play of the Game feature (which will be further down the line), more Brawls, better custom game features, a server browser (!), multiple sprays and voice lines, better social interactions, and a hot topic in the console community – fixing the ability to leave games as a group.

You can see more Overwatch news through the links below. The mystery is likely because she might actually be Pharah’s mother, which means her real name is Ana Amari and she was part of the original team. Furthermore, despite all of the information already found about the character, Kaplan said that players have not found everything yet.

Kotaku reports that Kaplan also mentioned new “Overwatch” maps, one of which is very close to release. Jeff Kaplan notes that there are plenty of heroes being tested right now, but they won’t be teased simply because there are heroes that work great and some that just fall to the wayside during playtesting.

New Heroes – Blizzard has been prototyping a variety of new heroes.


“There is more we want to do with the progression system eventually (this is more long term-not immediate)”. Jeff Kaplan goes on to say that he does not want to make announcements until they are close to their final iterations to avoid disappointment among “Overwatch” fans. In their dream world, we’ll get to play Custom Games with 11 other people (friends or strangers) with fun rules in play and gain EXP while doing it in future. There are some that are very far along and others that are just getting started. Blizzard is also seeking to improve the core functionality of Custom Games so the community can enjoy Custom Games even more. So if you’re an Overwatch player, be sure to read it in full. It’s nice to get an inside look at where Blizzard hopes to take Overwatch, even if not everything pans out. “We can not stress enough the game is best played with other people-it’s a team game”. “So when we see a “HOW COME WE DIDN’T GET THE HIGHLY PROMISED RANDOM POSE OPTION” rage post 2 years from now, please feel free to quote this paragraph in the reply…”

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